Main jet in a carb that's been sitting since the Eisenhowser administration.
It's usually removed by screwdriver in the slot. NFG.
Soaked in PB Blaster, carb cleaner, all kinds of stuff. I couldn't even get a weld wire through the hole in the center!
Soaked it in weasel piss for four days, brass chips popped out; finally tried a small drill and small E-Z-out. The diameter just below the threads are .190 diameter (3/16").
Weasel Piss = 50/50 ATF & Acetone.

yup, similar results here.
I've got a squeeze bottle of it sitting on the shelf.
And speaking of weasel piss, on another thread they said that ATF was just 15 weight oil with a lot of detergent & anti-foam plus coloring. Any truth to that rumor?
2/15/13 5:03 p.m.
Wonder how well Royal Purple Sychromax would work as the "ATF" side of this, since I have some extra lying around and it's already in a decent bottle.
2/15/13 5:19 p.m.
In reply to DuctTape&Bondo:
I figure I have the stuff (2.5 quarts of fluid into Mustang, .5 quarts left over) and it's for transmissions that usually call for ATF fluid, so it can't be that different... right?
I wouldn't think so either, the Royal Purple website seems to indicate it's equivalent to Dextron 3. Just fancier 
2/15/13 5:26 p.m.
In reply to DuctTape&Bondo:
By fancier you mean "more purple".
I followed that recipe: 50/50 Dexron Mercon ATF to Acetone. It separates almost immediately, so I'd think even after a thorough shake and sprayed on a part it will separate there as well.
The ATF was new from AA, Acetone was fresh outta new can. No improved results over Kroil for me.
I must be doin' it wrong 
any advice?
I've had the same instant separation Dextron II & III, generic acetone. Some folks have reported they didn't. Someday, we should all spec carefully what we mixed to see if we can figure it out.
The acetone does suck the color out of the ATF. I guess that's kinda cool.
For stuck carb jets it's generally not corrosion but diamond-hard ancient varnish that's doing the very effective retaining.
Carb dunk can or a gallon of cheap lacquer thinner. Soak for a couple days, unscrew.
motomoron wrote:
For stuck carb jets it's generally not corrosion but diamond-hard ancient varnish that's doing the very effective retaining.
Carb dunk can or a gallon of cheap lacquer thinner. Soak for a couple days, unscrew.
Totally this. But get the good carb dunk stuff, not the cruddy stuff they sell in California now.
tried this trick yesterday on a friends car. sprayed down EVERY fastener i could find.
Well see how it works out.
Did not loosen up the tie rod end jam nuts....not even with a torch
PB Blaster has always worked for me. But then since I'm never in a hurry, I usually will spray down nasty parts 4-5 times over the course of a week, then everything comes out fine.
Liquid wrench has one that is kind of foamy and actually sticks to parts. I used it on my F-150 when working on it and had no issues.