My screen seems to drift all over the place if I don't swipe it perfectly from top to bottom. Just started this past week. Figured out that it's the ad banner across the top. It's trying to fit the banner to my screen. I'm not opposed to the ad, so an ad blocker isn't needed, but is there anyway to make everything play nice that doesn't involve hardcore computer manipulation?
I haven't noticed it with GRM, but a lot of news article links do that on my mobile. Super annoying.
GRM does that on my phone too
Same here. I noticed it last night, so it started recently.
Not sure if its an update to Safari on Apple devices, or if it is an update to the mobile site or ad network they use.
It started a few days ago on my phone.
I have android and it is doing it too. Super annoying.
So it's not just my phone, then. Others are having the same issue, too, I see.
It's also opening up threads with lopped of tops. Need to scroll up, too see the first few lines of the post.
I thought maybe it was just me or something i missed before. Another forum has always done it but just recently noticed it here. Chrome on an android.
9/15/16 1:46 p.m.
Yea, add me to the android list.
9/15/16 1:49 p.m.
I thought it was the latest iOS update or I was just losing my mind. I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one.
iPhone 6 started doing it recently. It blows.
Just noticed it this evening, I'm sure it never happened until recently. Android/Chrome.
Yea the banner ad is expanding size of the page on Chrome android. Makes the page a little less seamless.
Ghostery blocks it but this is one of a few sites I actually allow ads on because I prefer to support our overlords.
I'll mention this to Ed. We've been making some changes on the backend, so sorry for any inconveniences.
9/15/16 6:43 p.m.
I posted this on the feedback thread. They recently switched add companies or something. The banner add is twice the width of the rest of the screen. They're working on it.
I have the same issue on my phone.
Windows phone.
It looks like the add banner at the top is not re sizing for mobile devices.
Galaxy S5 Android Chrome. Have full Forums page w/ only half the ad banner displayed at top. Swipe page left to see the other half of ad banner. Not a problem, doesn't drift.
Just a quick update on this. We're creating a new mobile ad size that will stop the whole drifting shenanigans. Just waiting on the creatives from a couple of our advertisers and we'll be able to activate it. Thanks for your patience!
9/16/16 8:55 a.m.
I expext to be reimbursed for my web site subscription. 
9/16/16 9:01 a.m.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Thank you.
The drifting ad banner size has been thoroughly annoying for months. It got a little better (after earlier feedback), but not good enough.
It has cut my mobile usage by at least 75%. Maybe 90% .
iPhone 5.
9/16/16 9:56 a.m.
iPhone 6/Chrome, happening on mine.
Cool. Just wanted to let the powers that be know.
I have several mobile devices and it I worst with the android. The screen tends to float around. On my windows phone I have to swipe to the side to make it float off to a blank screen. Neither are really all that much of a problem as long as you don't get sloppy with dragging your fingers on the screen.
9/16/16 6:10 p.m.
Yeah, it's not just the ads. The entire screen floats left and right when scrolling.
SVreX wrote:
Yeah, it's not just the ads. The entire screen floats left and right when scrolling.
You are not moving your finger strait on the screen. One handed surfing with your thumb is the worst.