I recall when George HW Bush caused a commotion in Australia by doing the two fingers/back of the hand to some protesters. He claimed that he intended it as a peace sign, and that he didn't know that it could be considered offensive.
I recall reading that his claim was undercut by the fact that he had served as ambassador to China and had enough international experience to know the difference.
Somewhere between peace and thumbs up. Lot of people flash it in pictures moreso than in day-to-day life I'd say.
stuart in mn said:
In reply to Duke :
Or Churchill, on occasion.

My understanding is that Churchill's sign stood for victory.
5/3/23 1:03 a.m.
It does.
The French used to cut off the index and middle fingers of captured English archers.
The two fingers up is v for victory as well as f-you.
A taunt to show that you still have your fingers.
I use the peace sign like this now, within the context of the show.

David S. Wallen's at a red light next to a Donk:
Donker does this sign .....
Ah, cultural nuance. It's difficult to get correct in all international contexts, but we should all be making some effort to learn the nuances in our neighborhoods cities.
Pointing with your index finger is rude in many places and cultures. I've conditioned myself to gesture with my entire hand. I sometimes look like I'm performing shuto strikes on my directions.
I've been told by the cool kids that the real name is "Chuckin a deuce"