After a reasonably uneventful (yet still utterly terrifying!) labor, Sirius Negrey made his way into the world last night. The little guy weighed in at 7.5 pounds and 20 inches even though he was three weeks early.
Mad props to mom for rocking out a natural birth like a champ. Hopefully we all can head home tomorrow.
The whole world seemed a lot less safe when i dropped by the house today!
Now i just need to slap a GRM sticker on his stroller and go kart shopping....
Nice is this your first, if so welcome to the club!!!
Proudest day of my Life was when my son was born.
Make sure to take care of Momma.
Yup, this is number one
Congrats!! The first one is the one you worry about. After you get to four you realize they bounce more often than they break. The world won't be so scary after a while.
My baby is 3 weeks old today.
Here's the hints
- sleep when you can.
That is all.
4/25/09 10:56 p.m.
PubBurgers wrote:
Yup, this is number one
The adventure begins... massive congratulations to all parties concerned!
ignorant wrote:
My baby is 3 weeks old today.
Here's the hints
1. sleep when you can.
That is all.
It's going to be a while before you sleep well again, my son is almost 2 I'll let you know when I get a full nights sleep 
4/26/09 12:58 a.m.
I have no plans of having any of my own anytime soon, so I can't offer any real advice.
wherethefmi wrote:
ignorant wrote:
1. sleep when you can.
It's going to be a while before you sleep well again, my son is almost 2 I'll let you know when I get a full nights sleep
I have an 18 year old son driving around the Chicago area in his Chevrolet Lumina and headed off to college in 125 days.
I still don't sleep.
Congrats to all. I have been taking my oldest, now 6, to Mid Ohio since he was three and have more fun with him than if I go with my adult friends, It will be the hardest thing you have every done but at the same time the greatest.
Made it home this afternoon, just in time to see a pediatrician in the morning
. Everybody's doing great.
My dad took me to Mid-Ohio starting when i was about 4, he used to race Formula Fords there, cool stuff.
Awsome Figgin Awsome glad to See the New One 
Congrats Jacques!
You'll have help wrenching before you know it!
It won't be long before poop means nothin to you.
Trevor had his first swimming lessons on Saturday.
From Trevor Brown
Congrats on the wee pubburger (Slyder?)
Good to see the littlest Brown is doing well.
(Insert taking the Browns to the pool joke here)
I used that joke saturday morning before leaving "Welp, I'm gonna go drop those Brown kids off at the pool!"
My Father in law wasn't humored.
Your a big fat jerk!
(Please understand that the wife and I have been trying for three years, so everyone who is successful is a big fat jerk. Nothing personal.)
Understandable, we tried for a solid year and a half before we were finally able to conceive. Don't worry, it'll happen eventually.
I want a t-shirt that says "Keep Berkeleying!"
pinchvalve wrote:
Your a big fat jerk!
(Please understand that the wife and I have been trying for three years, so everyone who is successful is a big fat jerk. Nothing personal.)
took more than a year a dose of clomid for it to happen for us.
Heck, with us it was on-the-pill, off-the-pill,
BOOM: twins...!