Named after each parents' Grandfather. Because Mom is quite athletic it went smoothly. He was 7lb. 4oz. and 20.25" long (tall?).
Someone once said "I know more about your kid than I do about my own cousins", this will be my final post on the subject.

Very happy for you! Congratulations.
Congratulations man, that's awesome!
Enjoy this adventure as you've enjoyed the others in your life.
Well, that's just fantastic. Pefect thing to see on a Monday morning. Congrats!
Well, I wasn't going to ......

Post up all the pics/info ya like! Only time braggin' is cool!
and congrats.

Congrats!!!!......this shot says it all......perfect
Congrats! Hardest and most satisfying thing you'll ever get to do.
You people do very nice work! Excellent craftsmanship and detailing.