Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/9/21 7:26 a.m.

Story is Lil Stampie is doing airsoft.  Some of the guys have taken to using bright lights to blind their opponents.  I thought welding helmet would solve that problem then rabbit hole and found goggles.  But now I'm thinking about how I hate how loose my helmet fits and think these might be good for me.  I found these on amazon.  Are there better ones?  Maybe ones with a wide view so I can let Lil Stampie borrow them and see how they do on the field?

Lee UberDork
4/9/21 7:53 a.m.

Have you had a welding "sun" burn?

I wouldn't give up full face protection.

If you're using an oxy acetylene torch to weld/cut I might consider goggles but not for any kind of electric arc welding.

Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/9/21 7:56 a.m.

In reply to Lee :

They come with a full face mask.

noddaz GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/9/21 8:01 a.m.

Some of the guys have taken to using bright lights to blind their opponents.

How is this really in the spirit of the game..?  Pfft, shoot the lights and them.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
4/9/21 8:06 a.m.
noddaz said:

Some of the guys have taken to using bright lights to blind their opponents.

How is this really in the spirit of the game..?  Pfft, shoot the lights and them.

If they're using bright lights and or lasers, switch to a CO2 powered backup piece. Fair is fair.

(I have been shot with CO2 pellet guns, they berkeleying suck. I'm not sure if airsoft pellets would be better or worse)

Trent PowerDork
4/9/21 9:02 a.m.

I have been thinking about this over my morning coffee

Bright light hits your eyes, you close them turn your head to avoid the light and wait for your eyes to adjust.

Bright light hits welding helmet/goggles and it darkens, blacking out everything.  I am betting you would be just as blind as without.

Perhaps set to shade 4 (grinding mode) might allow enough vision?

If we are talking about avoiding eye damage from b-holes with laser pointers then the auto darkening lens is probably a good option. If we are looking for a solid tactic to combat said b-holes I'm not sure of its efficacy. Although I don't have a better idea.

Lee UberDork
4/9/21 9:33 a.m.
Stampie said:

In reply to Lee :

They come with a full face mask.

I obviously didn't click the link.  I can't imagine welding in a sports bra, yikes! surprise

It would make outdoor welding easier, a lot of pipe line guys wear googles with shields for lighter weight and with the goggles you don't have to worry about back lighting.  I've got a Miller Digital Elite, and if the sun is to my back, it'll reflect/glare off of the inside of the glass.

Even with my auto dark helmet, I still lift the shield frequently, looks like that'd be tougher to do with goggles.

Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/9/21 10:07 a.m.

No laser pointers but I think a light shade like 4 might help.  The way they do it is turn on the light and you can't even see the person holding it or anything around them so it's hard to shoot accurately.  I was also thinking I buy this for myself and let him try it.  If it works then great.  If not then I have some welding goggles.

Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/9/21 10:08 a.m.

In reply to Lee :

But you could brag about your bikini line.  Having welded no shirt and had tan lines where my fat rolls were I know all about weld burn.

eastsideTim PowerDork
4/9/21 3:42 p.m.

I'm in the camp that thinks temporarily blinding someone in a game of paintball deserves an ass kicking.  Some modern flashlights could be powerful enough to cause longer term problems.

03Panther SuperDork
4/9/21 9:10 p.m.

In reply to Lee :

My vision is so poor, I have to flip the shield up to se any details. But any light from the back side totally messes me up. I seldom do much welding, cause I'm so bad, but I've often thought a hoodie around the shield/ back of my head would help, but man, it be hot!

If these catch on, somone will start making them with a flip up feature, i would think. Then I'm in!

P3PPY GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/10/21 7:28 p.m.

Yeah I don’t see how that’s cool with the lights. I took a cheapo gun’s BB to the nipple once. I highly recommend it for anyone else wishing to mix and match other games into a game of airsoft— especially since they have eye protection already. 

It sounds like he’s okay with this arrangement tho, so then you’re probably on to the best workable solution. Let us know how it turns out. 

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/11/21 9:22 a.m.

Getting hit with an air soft pellet HURTS.   My son and I have taken up shooting airsoft as it is much cheeper than the real deal. I have a 1911 and a 2011 that are almost identical to the feel of my real ones. Shooting them is not the same. But still great fun. 

bearmtnmartin (Forum Supporter)
bearmtnmartin (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
4/11/21 11:56 a.m.

When I was young and dumb, and there was no such thing as airsoft or paintball we would go out into the bush with pellet guns and shoot each other. It was as terrifying as the real thing because a pellet will go through a pair of jeans and dig into your flesh. You knew for a week that you had been hit. We wore helmets and goggles and no one lost an eye. 

Other than that, I did try welding with goggles once and my entire face peeled. Not recommended. 

Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/11/21 1:33 p.m.

In reply to bearmtnmartin (Forum Supporter) :

When I was young my 6 year older brother made me run from tree to tree while he tried to shot me with a BB gun.  No helmets or goggles.  

Did your welding goggles have a face shield?

P3PPY GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/11/21 1:57 p.m.

Nipple hit was in my 20s. Three of us got bored and ran different directions, taking shots at one another. Also no protection other than cover. Not young, just dumb. 

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