Thanks to this:
My wife will likely be loosing her job. One group ruins it for everyone I guess. Due to the above case fl has decided to go ahead and try to pass a bill banning all of the so called "internet cafe's". They've tried doing this for the last four years, but it has been thrown out every time. Last week it was rewritten and passed 15 to 1 by the fl house or senate(forget which one but it goes in front of the other this week for approval). Not that I approve of them, but working at one has allowed my wife to knock out a dual masters bachelor in the last three years while pretty much being paid as a cashier/assistant manager.
She's starting her masters in may, we were hoping her job would last another year, as its 3 semesters for her to complete it. we were also looking at purchasing a house, guess It's a good thing we didn't pull the trigger on that. Add to it, that I likely won't be able to afford the BABE rally in may if this happens, not sure if entering my daily in the challenge is going to be feasible (or responsible)either. :( So what would you guys do? Sell all the projects and start fresh once she gets done with school? Or?
Time to start looking for a second job again I guess. Stressing over this E36 M3 is freaking giving me a headache and I can't sleep after 20 some odd hours awake. And looking at Craigslist is depressing.
Sorry to hear. I guess things are tough all over.
I agree about craigslist, I occasionally look at the job postings but I prefer to use web sites dedicated to that sort of thing. In the past I've had good results with Monster.
We were planning tons of stuff: Disney, the $2013 Challenge, building the college accounts, etc...before I was laid off.
Much like you, I'm glad we didn't buy a house or a newer vehicle.
Thanks Jed, sadly if one group of people hadn't gotten greedy, and thought they could outsmart a whole group of gov agencies devoted to catching that kind of E36 M3, she and her co-workers would not be in this spot.
The only "Internet cafe" I know about is basically like a Starbucks that has computers in it you can use. Is this what they're banning?
These internet cafes feature terminals that allow you to do internet betting.
It blurs the line of whether you were betting in the state of Florida or betting in the country where the game originates from.
Seems that FL also allows gambling if it is a "charity event" like poker night at the church hall. Seems that the "charity" here may have not been real or not really getting any of the proceeds.
hate to say it.. but I can see why they want to ban those. A regular internet cafe is not a bad thing, but when it involves gambling that may not be legal.. it has to go
3/17/13 9:54 a.m.
Seems like this is a case for regulation in lieu of bannination; licensing with stiff fines and/or penalties for offenders, and all that.
But that's too logical and reasonable for politicians to understand.
In reply to oldsaw:
plus they're all in a ban everything mood right now
Honestly, they're animated scratch off tickets. The computers are there with internet access. You purchase internet time, you also get entries into different sweepstakes games with the purchase of said time, you can redeem any points won with those credits for more time(and hence more entries), or for $$ to the tune of .01 per point.
Any other questions?
yeah, like I said, I don't agree with em, but it was a job. I've been trying to get her on with the company I work for, but they recently placed a freeze on hiring spouses in the same region, even though I telecommute and the positions she has applied for are in house. Oh well, just going to have to.figure it out.
Do you have any local gentlemen's clubs?
oldsaw wrote:
Seems like this is a case for regulation in lieu of bannination; licensing with stiff fines and/or penalties for offenders, and all that.
But that's too logical and reasonable for politicians to understand.
Nope, not a problem of understanding, it's a problem of laziness. Same thing that's killing off OHV trail in many National Forests, even though it brings in money the personnel involved don't want to learn a different type of trail management so they shut it down instead.
Sell it all, live on beans and rice, get the lady thru school as debt free as possible.
You can get the cars and racing after she gets out and gets a job.
Yeah, that's pretty much the consensus. I can always race another day.
even still, it probably won't go into effect until next year, so that gives you a bit of time to start saving every penny. then i imagine there will be a legal fight of some sort, since the gov't can't just make a law like that to say anything called an "internet cafe" is not allowed, or they would've already done it with strip clubs.
The charity was receiving 2%. This scam extended up to SC. I was wondering what the big deal was with internet cafe's.
According to that, it's effective as soon as it becomes law.
Most of them stopped advertising that they were giving to charities, but allied veterans did not. And after seeing what kind of cash these places were bringing in, I would be happy with 2% personally. I know that the owner my wife is working for was still donating a percentage even though they stopped advertising it.
I'm not in the mood to get buried under a patio so I'm stopping here. Personally its BS.