The article left out his finest work: Red Dawn.
Shoot straight for once, you Army pukes.
Dang. He wasn't much older than me.
He nailed the role of Jim Jones.

He played the rapacious SOB really well.
5/16/17 9:04 p.m.
One of my all-time favorite actors. He had the voice and the presence--a Lee Marvin for his generation.
He had some great movies, some bad movies, but so many fun movies: Deadwood, Rapid Fire, Tombstone, Red Dawn, Sin City, 24, and one of my favorites:

5/16/17 9:42 p.m.
I remember him accepting an award at an event the actor's union was boycotting. He walked on stage, held the award and said, "This is either the most courageous or the most stupid thing I've ever done..."