Up and heading to the hospital shortly. I was awoken by my 14 year old lab/golden mix coming to the side of the sofa where I sleep to be pet. It was as if she didn't want me to get up once it was time and just wanted me to slow down and take a few more moments with her.
Regardless of how things go I won't likely be able to get back online before the end of the week and I'm not sure what my functional capacity will be at that time. Take the long way home from work for me this afternoon.
4/25/16 4:58 a.m.
Will do. Sending positive vibes and hoping for the best.
Hope recovery is swift and smooth.
Hoping for the best for you. See you later this week.
Good luck. You know that you've got a lot of people cheering for you out here.
There, I just double-clutched downshift.
Best wishes and good vibes Capt'n.
May your surgeon be gifted and your recovery smooth. Good luck Captain!
And please report back ASAP!
Sending good vibes in your direction Cap.
Positive thoughts heading your way.
Best of luck Cap! More industrial-strength good vibes coming your way!!
give em hell man. The pavement's just wet enough that I should be able to get ya a second gear drift down the on ramp 
We'll see ya back here soon!
4/25/16 8:42 a.m.
Best of luck and medical science to you, Cap. I know you've got the attitude thing covered already. 
4/25/16 9:30 a.m.
best of luck, our thoughts and prayers are with you!