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z31maniac MegaDork
8/19/24 1:12 a.m.

The fiance came home from 3 straight weeks of travel (she wasn't gone the entire time, but most of it, but it was 3 separate trips which meant 12 different flights and lots of interaction with the public). She works for an educational company that specializes in continuing education for teachers and administrators, so being a Marketing Manager she has to run to a lot of the conferences/events. 

She wasn't feeling good the night she got home, but we figured it was from all the travel. After a couple of days it was obvious it wasn't just exhaustion, so I had been sleeping next to her, she tests positive. We quarantine her to other bedroom. She's down for about a week..............this was her 3rd time to catch COVID. Just as she is feeling better, I test positive. 

Took about 11 days for me to get a negative test, this past Wednesday the 14th. I was worried about catching it since I'm overweight with high blood pressure. Thankfully my symptoms were fairly mild, no trouble breathing and my O2 levels never really dropped. I actually didn't have any congestion in my lungs until after I tested negative. 

But HOLY E36 M3.............I have never felt so run down in my life on top of not being able to sleep. I didn't know it was possible to be that exhausted that many days in a row. 

Thankfully I'm feeling better, but still pretty worn down.

More of a PSA I didn't really think it was still circulation 4.5 years later. 

red_stapler SuperDork
8/19/24 2:04 a.m.

Yeah, it seems like there is going to be a wave every July/August just before the boosters are updated in September.

Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter)
Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/19/24 9:03 a.m.

I've had it three times. One more and I get a set of steak knives. laugh

Fortunately, it's been pretty mild every time. Maybe I've been lucky, but I have to think the fact that I'm up to date on boosters has helped reduce the severity.

slefain UltimaDork
8/19/24 9:15 a.m.

When I had it this stuff right here was a the miracle drug:

I have no idea how it worked, but it got be back the land of the living. I was still testing positive for a few more days but I was able to get back into my home office and make money again.

z31maniac MegaDork
8/19/24 9:48 a.m.
Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) said:

I've had it three times. One more and I get a set of steak knives. laugh

Fortunately, it's been pretty mild every time. Maybe I've been lucky, but I have to think the fact that I'm up to date on boosters has helped reduce the severity.

I've only had the first and second shot from a few years ago. It hits the fiance pretty hard since she already has an auto immune disease. 

Trent UltimaDork
8/19/24 10:54 a.m.

It finally hit our house last week after successfully dodging it thus far.

I got the "run down, stuffy nose" version. Bianca got the "3 days of 102 degree fever" version. Glad I was able to take care of her

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/19/24 11:08 a.m.
z31maniac said:

More of a PSA I didn't really think it was still circulation 4.5 years later. 

Oh it sure is:


From personal experience it doesn't seem as bad as the last flare-up, when everyone was getting "the sniffles" which is what they called the latest COVID variant at the time as long as you didn't test for COVID.

914Driver MegaDork
8/19/24 12:22 p.m.

I had it once, only life change is EVERYTHING tasted so salty it was difficult to eat.

Two weeks ago the lady next door came back from Vaca with her husband and little kids.  she was telling me about Chicago as she picked a bunch of tomatoes from her garden.  "We weren't here to pick them, so you take these because we won't use them."  She talked more on family, sites they saw etc., then cranked about driving from Chicago to NY as they all tested positive for Covid before the airplane ride home.  I almost jammed a tomato in each ear.

Been home testing everyday since, all good.

Mustang50 Reader
8/19/24 12:58 p.m.

My wife and I flew home from Aruba early on Friday 8/09.  I started to get symptoms on Sunday 8/11, my wife's appeared on Monday.    We are both in our 70's.  After a week I'm feeling better while she lost her taste and smell today(Monday 8-19).  She is taking some OTC sinus medicine and I took some reddish/brown liquid distilled in Canada.  

Does anybody have any idea how long this will last?  And does this give us any immunity for future exposures?

mtn MegaDork
8/19/24 1:05 p.m.

In reply to Mustang50 :

How long it lasts depends on a lot - your genetics, vaccination and booster status, the strain, exposure to the virus/viral load, general health... not to mention luck.

As for immunity, again, it depends. It is reasonable to expect some level of immunity for the next 3-6 months, and if you get the next booster (not out yet, probably recommended to wait 90 days post infection to get it if it tracks with prior boosters), you would be pretty safe. But we have seen that immunity from infection is extremely variable, and tends not to last as long as immunity from the vaccine/boosters. And it all wanes eventually. 


I am not a doctor or your doctor, just regurgitating information from doctors.


EDIT: The taste thing also varies wildly. My brother in law couldn't drink coffee for 1+ year; he got it in November 2020. When he finally got the vaccine it cleared it up for him. Our friend had the too-salty thing for about a month. Unfortunately no way of knowing. 

mtn MegaDork
8/19/24 1:24 p.m.

Kid is coughing this morning. I have a slight headache. But all 3 of us tested negative this AM so hopefully we just have a cold. 

We all had it in 2021 or 2022 - can't remember - and it was miserable. Wife and I were both sick as dogs, the 2 year old was sick for about 6 hours... then was a normal 2 year old that had high energy. And we couldn't call in for Grandparent reinforcement since all of them have health issues that we couldn't risk. That was bad. 

Then in 2023 I got it again - tested positive as I was about to go get my booster - and it was annoying to have to isolate in my [home] office on an air mattress. That was legitimately just the sniffles. Nobody else got it. 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/19/24 1:59 p.m.

I was a little worried about it when it first popped up. I'm a fat bastard who gets short of breath on a flight of stairs. More worried about my parents than anything as they are in their 80s. 

I had it in year 2. Tested positive. Didn't particularly feel bad. It was pretty much a non-event. This was back when the hospitals were still taking temps for entry so I worked from home for a week to keep it away from the rest of the employees. 

I had a cold early summer. I didn't bother to test for Rona. I'm pretty sure the annual round of Rona is the new normal much like the flu. Much like the flu, I'll do what I can and not worry about it. I'll survive it or not. When the good Lord says it's time to go, I'll go with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I've had a good run. 

My parents have both had it twice. Both times it was pretty much a nonissue. I think there is a genetic component they don't quite understand. 


Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
8/19/24 2:36 p.m.

My daughter got this latest round. No one else in the family did.  Always this latest business trip

pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) UltimaDork
8/19/24 3:48 p.m.

To the OP, I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well.  Sounds like overall your case has been pretty easy to deal with overall; hopefully you don't have long-term effects from it.  My sister caught COVID two years ago and only in the last few months has she really felt like herself (brain fog, bad random fatigue, some odd food issues).  

This hasn't ended and we're in another 'summer surge'.  4.5 years of this and it keeps on going on.

pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) UltimaDork
8/19/24 3:51 p.m.
Mustang50 said:

Does anybody have any idea how long this will last?  And does this give us any immunity for future exposures?

Most folks have most symptoms most of the time mostly gone in a week or two, so you should hopefully be out of it soon.  Sometimes much longer.  I don't think there's an easy way to tell.

This thread is another reminder to me that I should get another jab.  I think we're a few weeks away from an updated cocktail.

Mustang50 Reader
8/22/24 12:19 p.m.

We are still testing positive, we first tested positive on Monday 08/12.  We do not have a fever and our only symptoms are sinus issues and feeling tired.  We are both in our 70's.

My son's birthday is tomorrow 08/23.   Can we go to his birthday party?  Are we contagious?   We do not want to infect the grand kids.

z31maniac MegaDork
8/22/24 12:23 p.m.

If you are still testing positive I would 100%, ABSOLUTELY NOT go anywhere in public. Period. 

And I wouldn't for a few days after even testing negative. 

Sarah Young
Sarah Young Copy & Design Editor
8/22/24 4:24 p.m.

I've still never gotten covid, but the vaccines have hit me really hard. Do you know anyone else who's avoided covid this long? I don't think I do.


ETA: Oh wait, I think Nicole Suddard has never had it!

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
8/22/24 4:32 p.m.

As far as we know, my parents haven’t had it yet. Hoping to keep it that way. 

Paris Van Gorder
Paris Van Gorder Associate editor
8/22/24 4:56 p.m.

I have had covid a total of 4 times and every single time my symptoms have been different. The last time I had it, which we actually during my first full week working here at GRM, I took the test on a whim because I had a spare one and then boom Covid.

Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
8/22/24 5:02 p.m.

In reply to Sarah Young :

My wife and I haven't had it yet, AFAICT.

j_tso Dork
8/22/24 6:11 p.m.

also never had a positive test. I've only taken the Pfizer vaccine and have only felt tired for a day from it.

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
8/22/24 6:23 p.m.

I haven't had it yet in spite of multiple exposures.

I rode in the car with two co-workers and had dinner with them and they both tested positive the next day. I didn't after multiple tests.

I held my mothers hand for an hour and a half in the ER after she tested positive and did not get it. She died of COVID a day later.

I have had every shot my doctor told me to get when they told me to get it.


Is it possible some people have immunity? Or maybe the shots just work.

johndej UltraDork
8/22/24 6:38 p.m.

Only time I've had it was about 2 years ago. Had had the first 2 shots and a booster or 2 at that point, no side effects other that sore arm. I'm one who basically never get sick, mid 30s, kids in daycare, nothing slowed me down. My wife had a work event that sent her to Vegas in 2022, we managed to get the grandparents to babysit and I came out on a cheap ass flight to join after work Thurs through the weekend. Did it up Friday then ran out to the grand canyon, then Zion, and flew home Sunday evening. I popped a fever on our layover in LeGiardia. By the time we got in around midnight I couldn't drive us home and it was hitting my wife. Work policy still dictated 5 days away from positive test and I was basically worthless for that time. Wife bounced back and her parents helped us for another few days. Probably only time I've been sick in 15 some years.

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/22/24 7:02 p.m.
Mustang50 said:

We are still testing positive, we first tested positive on Monday 08/12.  We do not have a fever and our only symptoms are sinus issues and feeling tired.  We are both in our 70's.

My son's birthday is tomorrow 08/23.   Can we go to his birthday party?  Are we contagious?   We do not want to infect the grand kids.

Just follow the cdc guidelines.

You will test positive LONG after you are not shedding the virus to others.

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