So this morning I turned on the oven to start the beginning of making dinner for my wife's family at our house and when I opened the door of the oven, it wasn't hot, at all.
Go to find out the heating element to ignite the gas has given up the ghost.
Well, E36 M3.
So I had to improvise and ended up getting out the gas grill and using it as a makeshift oven. Ended up working out really well and about the only thing that didn't end up on the grill was the salad. 
After all that, I needed a couple of these:

Luckily, I had a couple. 
That's an excellent save! You deserve better than Rainier. 
I had some pimento cheese spread on crackers for Christmas dinner. I'm celebrating with Jameson.
I did St. Louis style ribs on the grill for dinner today. 5 hours of low & slow goodness.
Wasn't a very traditional Christmas dinner, but it was yummy!
12/25/16 8:39 p.m.
Rainier, the beer from here FTW.
12/25/16 8:42 p.m.
Grill beats oven anyway! enjoy that beer!
I wanted to grill a rib roast but no one wanted to come here.
12/25/16 10:17 p.m.
I made a prime rib roast I got the work. I'm liking the new tradition of doing stupid meals for holidays. Maybe I'll do lobsters for Easter.
I made a taco bar for christmas this year. We do the big fancy dinner christmas eve with my mother in law. Christmas is a laid back affair after that.
And here I though Rainier was a made up brand for the Longmire TV show. Learn somthin' new everyday.
Ian F
12/27/16 9:39 a.m.
Had the exact same thing happen at my ex's for Thanksgiving some years ago: put the bird in the oven, turned it on, her mom checked on it about 30 min later - oven is cold. Doh. Fire up the grill and put the bird in there. One of the best turkeys I've ever had.
Something to remember if you ever need to bake something for a long time in the middle of Summer and don't want to heat up your kitchen.