I'm just now finishing up a successful day of testing, and will be soon headed home to my wife and dogs to have a nice evening. Will have a few craft brews and pizza and relax. I will also tip one for the Captain.
I'm just now finishing up a successful day of testing, and will be soon headed home to my wife and dogs to have a nice evening. Will have a few craft brews and pizza and relax. I will also tip one for the Captain.
I'll be having their Christmas Ale tonight. Wife and I are thinking about getting a kegerator just to get the Christmas Ale on draft.
I think it will have to try Lemon and then compare it to Lime (the usual). Also and I the only one that likes capers in there G&T?
bravenrace wrote: In reply to mtn: Me no likey Christmas ale. Me likey beer.![]()
Probably a stupid question since you live so close, but have you actually had their Christmas Ale? Cause normally I'm a "Give me a Pilsner or an Amber Lager or a Kolshe. Oh, you don't have any of those? I'll have a water" type of guy. But that Great Lakes Christmas Ale is extremely tasty.
In reply to mtn:
How could I say I don't like it if I hadn't tried it? I don't like any beers I've ever tried with any kind of spices in them. My wife loves it, but I gag on it.
Well it is almost Beer-thirty. I'm going to see if my boss wants to grab a drink on the way out. If not, then I'm going to the bar across the street from my house for the first time ever, to check it out.
bravenrace wrote:dean1484 wrote: Does Beer cure a cold?Yes! Do you need a beer?
In that case I need a cold
OOH! OOH! It's wednesday night and we have the next two days off for thanksgiving and I am working on a buzz! I finally beat you guys!
where is everyone?
In reply to Hungary Bill:
It took awhile for your post to reach the East Coast, about a couple months I guess. But I'm here to respond to you My Man!
It's another Friday, and I started celebrating at around 4:00 with a couple brewskis from Rhinegeist Brewery in Cinci. It's a Hoppy Holiday Ale called "Dad" that my son gave me for my birthday last month ( #67 for those counting, but I'm not). He's out in Cinci on temporary assignment, picked it up there at the brewery, and brought it back to Southern New England last month. Anyway, the brews were good. I built a roaring fire in the fireplace, and now Annie and I are drinking a nice bottle of Bordeaux. Life is good. I hope it's good for you too.
bravenrace wrote: What? Did not liking Christmas Ale kill the thread?![]()
Christmas Ale sucks.
Unless you get it in their restautant. Then it's pretty good. Something about the way they brew it or the lack of preservatives or something. It has a very short shelf-life.
This thread brought to you by the letters Elijah and Craig. But hey, my back doesn't hurt anymore...
mtn wrote:bravenrace wrote: In reply to mtn: Me no likey Christmas ale. Me likey beer.Probably a stupid question since you live so close, but have you actually had their Christmas Ale? Cause normally I'm a "Give me a Pilsner or an Amber Lager or a Kolshe. Oh, you don't have any of those? I'll have a water" type of guy. But that Great Lakes Christmas Ale is extremely tasty.![]()
I get laughed at on a regular basis ... my only "beer" that I like is Miller Lite .. so when I get laughed at for asking for such a none beer, I just get water ... lots less expensive, and makes the drive home a whole lot less stressful
I found something really nice for all the single malt drinkers out there.
Try this if you can find it. I think it is better than Glenfiddich (price wise it is much better)
bravenrace wrote: In reply to mtn: How could I say I don't like it if I hadn't tried it? I don't like any beers I've ever tried with any kind of spices in them. My wife loves it, but I gag on it.
I have blown people's minds around Columbus by brewing a Christmas Ale without any spices. Especially because I got a healthy amount of spice notes from just malt, hops, and yeast. You know... Beer.
Released Bruzer - Imperial Belgian IPA on Friday. It goes down waaaay too easy for a 9.5% abv beer. All the hops add tropical and citrus flavor, they don't make it off putting in any way.
I guess it was getting a lot of people drunk. We blew through 2 full kegs over the weekend.
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