I got the day off work due to toxic fumes in the office (xylene thick enough to taste). So I'm sitting here writing a report, the only thing I really have to do for the day, and idle surfing in front of the couch on my old craptop. Suddenly the laptop screen starts looking like what plaid must look like on shrooms. Nothing I press changes the pattern or produces any sounds, so I hard cut the power and try to power on again. All I get is a flashing pattern on the power light. Looks like an error code. I quickly turn up the forbidden error codes (Toshiba deleted them from their site, I swear I'm never buying another Toshiba!!!) and it's Power Supply Error C2 - insufficient voltage between doodad1 and doodad2. I try running with no battery and swapping power adapters with another one of these laptops I'm unfortunate enough to own, and nothing. Ah well, no big deal, I was gonna pick up a used laptop next month anyways.
So I grab the two flash drives that were plugged into the laptop - my work drive and my 16GB personal drive - and go to my gaming PC upstairs. It boots up in a flash and I plug in the drives - menu for work drive pops up. Offer to run a scandisk on damaged drive for personal drive pops up
It doesn't even show the custom icon I set.
I'd been lax in backing up this drive recently. My last backup is months old but should have most of the important stuff. I get my 20GB external drive that I use for odd backups - I pulled it from a scrapped laptop. It has encrypted backups of my personal flash drive and my PDA's SD card (which carries a backup of the PDA's main memory it automatically saves to the card each night).
I plug it in and it just makes repeated clicking sounds like it's trying to spin up but can't. 8(
So the scandisk finished and only 4megs of files had errors. So far the drive seems to be OK, nothing's missing that I can see. I'm going to try the freezer trick on the 20GB drive just in case I end up needing those backups, and I'm gonna make fresh backups of all my flash drives before anything else happens today.
I think its time for a beer.
At least you got the day off.
At least you got to work from home.
At least you woke up this morning.
If it makes you feel any better, I've been working for 48 hours with about 3 hours of sleep, all while I'm supposed to be on paternity leave...
If it makes you feel any better, that's a pretty standard day for me any more.
I call that the E36 M3 touch. Thats where every thing I touch turns to E36 M3. Open the car door the handle falls off, get some coffee the cup leaks, button my fly a button pops off, anything can go to crap at any time.
7/27/09 8:01 p.m.
at least the freezer works!
my latest words of wizdom....
"It could always be worse..."
Yup, could be worse. Your soon to be ex-wife could have come to work and beaten your motorcycle to pieces with a hockey stick. Every time I'm having a bad day I picture that scene in my head, cause it happened to my old boss.
Hmm. You could have come home from a 12 hour day at work in which your allergies launched a major attack on your sinuses and you got reprimanded for having a lot of E36 M3 on your desk (I printed 500 checks in 4 days, scanned them, mailed them, and filed their invoices--I couldn't do ANYTHING else)... to find that your roommate / brother's girlfriend is moving out, your $870 per month is about to go up by $400 because of it, and your furniture (which she gave to you when she moved in) is no longer free ($1,000).
7/27/09 10:36 p.m.
At least you don't have poop on your shoe again.
at least you dont have a bunch of homework due in the morning that you havent even started.. and its midnight
autocross is a worthy excuse for procrastination
^^ If you wait to the last minute it only takes a minute, right?
New Reader
7/28/09 10:29 a.m.
At least you don't have scurvy.
Update - got all the data off the backup drive. Turned out it was the USB-to-Mini IDE adapter that was bad. Oddly this is the second USB/Mini IDE adapter I've seen fail. It's just a few little chips on a little board, why are these so fragile?
i can one up ALL ya'll...
at least you don't work at wal-mart... in the deli no less... (aka fast food at wal-mart...)
E36 kinda day, you do need some thin to calm your self down.