Great news!
I'm pretty sure this turn of events was more Sperlo communing with the Earth Mother than a hospital mistake. You better go sacrifice a goat or something.
Happy to hear you are good to go! OHSU is a great hospital, the VA often sends us there for various exams and procedures since its right next door. Did you take a ride on that tram while you were there?
Look at the bright side.
Look what Carrol Shelby did when he found out he couldn't race anymore due to a bad heart.
Seriously, I hope every thing works out.
Otto Maddox wrote: Does that mean I can go back to arguing with you without fear of killing you?
Hell yeah, fire away!!
Thanks everybody! It was a total shock when they called with the results. Then, it was a giant relief.
Sorry for being so grouchy the last few months, maybe now without being stressed out and having nightmares I'll be a little more chipper.
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