I was looking at some property for sale and pulled up the county assessor's website to get a rundown on the tax situation and they usually take one picture of the house. Well this is the picture they took;

What kind of jeep am I looking at here? It almost looks fullsize? The marker lights are in the wrong spot, the hood is too wide. What is this thing?
4 minutes. Y'all are slackin.
3/10/25 10:50 p.m.
Holey Toledo, it's a Jeepster!
So when you are driving that you are going Commando?
3/11/25 8:05 a.m.
Highly unlikely it's the pickup version. Most were 'wagons'.

I had one as my first 'car'. Though I paid for half of it, my Dad really wanted it more than I. If it has the ex-Buick Dauntless V6, it will run really well. Mine had the 4 speed, which is really a 3 speed with a crawler 1st. You could also get them with automatics. They are long wheelbase (same as a CJ-6) so ride really well. They rust in the rockers, tailgate and cargo floor, mostly. The lift hatch also can rot around the glass, usually on the inside where you won't see it until it's too late. Commando specific parts are pretty hard to come by. These were worth nothing for decades, but suddenly are bringing decent money if they aren't garbage.
The later, 'modernized' ones aren't as cool IMO.

In reply to ddavidv :
Was there any real difference between the pickup and wagon, other than the removable roof and a back seat?
The older ones are also pretty cool.
So, if you don't want the Jeep, I know somebody who may. It's me.