WilD said:
In addition to all of the above, the ripe berries will be dark purple and stain anything the touch. This is a truly foul weed.
Can vouch for that—growing up, my friends and I used to have Poke berry fights. You haven’t been in trouble til you’ve come home with a crapton of those mashed into your clothes... even if they were your after-school play clothes.
(Which reminds me: anyone else have 3 sets of clothes growing up? You had your school clothes, your play clothes, and your church outfits—yet somehow we had far fewer clothes in total than people have today.)
And ECM is right. Earwigs freak me the berkeley out, too. Bugs are bad; bugs with weaponized asses (who aren’t bees) are just awful.
This will stop it from coming back. Cut it off at the ground and put a few drops of this on each stalk. It will NOT come back, nor poison the ground around it like roundup will.
I cleared 1/4 acre of Japanese honeysuckle only to have it come back with a vengeance. It is classified as an invasive species due to it's growth rate. It will overtake a house in a couple of years if left unchecked.
I cleared it a second time a few years later and put a couple drops of Tordon on each stump.
Tordon RTU stopped it dead in it's tracks, and the pine trees that I planted in it's place are doing great.
In reply to SaltyDog :
Slight soap box, from years of working in agricultural and environmental research and education, no offense intended, purely educational info:
If you mean RoundUp, i.e. Glyphosate is a non-selective, broad spectrum, herbicide that will kill most plants you get it on, so be careful when spraying it, true. If you literally meant "poison the ground around it," that's entirely false. Glyphosate volatilizes very quickly so it's not viable for very long after it's applied, and has an LD50 lower (much lower in most cases) than nicotine, caffeine, table salt, asprin, or countless other things people "poison" themselves with everyday.
Marjorie Suddard said:
And ECM is right. Earwigs freak me the berkeley out, too. Bugs are bad; bugs with weaponized asses (who aren’t bees) are just awful.
Clearly, you are not a chicken. My chickens love earwigs! If you hate bugs, you should keep chickens, because chickens are amazing bug-killing machines. Watching my flock munch June Beetles is great sport. The best part is that chickens turn nasty bugs into tasty, fresh eggs.
In reply to bigdaddylee82 :
You are correct, I was exaggerating the effects of Roundup.
No offense taken at all! Thanks for keeping me straight! 
In reply to bigdaddylee82 :
Any recommendations on killing Japanese Knotweed? I've been battling it for a few years and nothing seems to work. I've tried RoundUp, something called Ground Clear, and a salt and soap solution. At best, I get a little leaf browning on the edges.
In reply to SaltyDog :
Perhaps you were thinking of Scepter? That stuff can sterilize the soil for years.
Apis Mellifera said:
In reply to bigdaddylee82 :
Any recommendations on killing Japanese Knotweed? I've been battling it for a few years and nothing seems to work. I've tried RoundUp, something called Ground Clear, and a salt and soap solution. At best, I get a little leaf browning on the edges.
The inter webs says glyphosate late in the season is the best treatment.
Say it in your best southern accent, hog maws, corn pone, and Polk sallet, thassupper. Wash your hands and siddown.