This saturday will be spent in its entirety, in the attic removing the attic fan, then making the hole for the attic fan the access hole for the attic. Then removing the half broken wooden stairs that goto the attic, followed by me laying on fiberglass stapling attic baffles for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow I get to then remove all the fiberglass and sheeting in said attic in preperation for 30 inches of blown in insulation. Somewhere after removing fiberglass I will be air sealing as well.
I guess on the positive note It'll be done, before it gets damn hot out. But getting to that point is a pain in the @ss.
So what are you doing with your saturday? Is it all honey do items or a lazy day, or what?
I'm working another 10 hour day to hit 67 hours this week.
I am going to the Georgia Tech car show this morning, then spending a few hours over at Chuck Beck's shop. After that, probably writing a bit and then getting into lazy mode!
Tomorrow is another car show in the early morning, then more lazy!
4/2/11 9:01 a.m.
Short work day. 9-3. Then getting things ready for the first autocross of the season which also happens to be within 10 minutes of my house CANT WAIT! 
Making Oreo chocolate chip and Snaconbutter cookies.
going to Angiesfest at Stone Mountain, then to the Clermont Lounge.... If you have never heard of the Clermont Lounge, google it... Maybe NSFW.... 
Got to do stuff around the house.
I'd much rather be beating on the LeMons car (going back in May, yay!) or etc.
Driving up to bowling green ky to NSO a roller derby game.
4/2/11 9:45 a.m.
Homework, and then reffing a hockey game at 9:30
I'm about to head to the garage and weld up the outer surface of the "frame rails" on my datsun replica so it more closely resembles a 1930s car.
Workin', then cleanin' da house. 
4/2/11 9:49 a.m.
Insurance is back on the Miata -- perfect blue skies above, and almopst 10 degrees C. I'll probably just drive, and enjoy the return of spring.
Looking like a neighborhood fire in the evening. Break out the beers
4/2/11 9:56 a.m.
Went for a drive in the Mini this morning. Now I'm going to drink some coffee. Later I will be doing some planting in the garden and if I play my cards right putting my cylinder head back on the 2002.
Putting a booster pump on the RO water system, and probably getting the dualsport out for a ride.
Working, again. With the exception of Christmas, NYE, Superbowl, and a funeral last weekend, I haven't had a weekend off since Thanksgiving. Working every weekday, as well. Yeah, the OT is REAL nice, but berkeley, I'm tired.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Working, again. With the exception of Christmas, NYE, Superbowl, and a funeral last weekend, I haven't had a weekend off since Thanksgiving. Working every weekday, as well. Yeah, the OT is REAL nice, but berkeley, I'm tired.
With you... though after February, i started forcing myself to take Sundays off. I don't get enough sleep to maintain that kind of schedule. I tend to go a few weeks at 3-4 hours sleep max a night, working ~60hr weeks, then i crash hard. Then repeat.
No fun!
Sounds like a party with lots of 19 y.o girls tonight for me...
I think we'll start at the rippers and see where the night takes us.
<---------------- This guy loooooooooooves girl bday parties 
4/2/11 10:40 a.m.
Trying to motivate.
Too blustery/chilly to get out on the bike (bicycle) so...
Plant a patch of grass seed in the area where some trees were removed last year
Clean/organize the house
Oil change on wife's car
4/2/11 10:47 a.m.
It's snowing this AM in PA. So I'm lying on the ground changing the oil and antifreeze in my wife's Sante Fe. Can't put it in the shop, it's full of my toys. I'll spend the rest of the day finishing the plumbing in my Toterhome in preparation for race season. First race is New Hampshire at the end of this month. I'm glad I got the rebuilt motor in the RX7 over the winter.
I spent about 2 hours this morning using my new blade attachment on my weedeater to clean up the front tank (pond) on my property. Got a little done then realized there's about 25,000 little mesquite trees trying to grow around there. Grabbed the trusty machete and started whacking. Then once that was done, I started pulling down dead branches from the large trees that have been dipping down into the water. Since the tank is about 90% dried up, this is easy to do, kinda... Now the bumble bees are out flying around the mesquite and oak trees so I'm leaving them alone and just pulling away dead branches. I came in just about 20 minutes ago to get some water, now my arms are burning from moving all that crap and because I'm an out of shape bastard. LOL I think I'll work on it more later... Or tomorrow morning. Whatever.
So far I have done nothing. Trying to work up the motivation to work on the Jetta and get it to start.
Grtechguy wrote:
Looking like a neighborhood fire in the evening. Break out the beers
please clarify, do that mean a bon fire with neighbors, or your setting someone's house on fire?
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
going to Angiesfest at Stone Mountain, then to the Clermont Lounge.... If you have never heard of the Clermont Lounge, google it... Maybe NSFW....
I haven't googled Clermont lounge, but I envision a swinging club for some reason, I think its the name lounge that give me that impression, well that and your avatar, lol.
Me, I finished ripping out the 50's viking air conditioning whole house fan, they don't make them like that anymore, just the shroud weighs 15lbs. I saved the motor, its built by GE, figure I could use it for something, though its only 1/4 hp. who knows though. I'm onto the attic stairs next, or as i call it, trying not to fall out of the attic and into the basement, since the attic stairs are over the basement stairs.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
going to Angiesfest at Stone Mountain, then to the Clermont Lounge.... If you have never heard of the Clermont Lounge, google it... Maybe NSFW....
Waiiiittttt.... isn't that that badass dive?