9/6/14 10:32 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
I dunno. This is a car mag, not a stuff that goes bang mag. Off topic is pretty close I think, but I don't make decisions, only suggestions. There are lots of other places for boom sticks. This is an interesting read (I think) on my latest project:
Thanks for the link. I just purchase a somewhat sporterized chilean mauser in 7x57. I'm planning on turning it into a turn of the century looking mauser sporter.
Thanks for looking and joining. There's a lot of knowledge and knowledgeable people on that board, so ask questions if you need to. I just approved you there.
I'm still not fully recovered from the dumb-berkeley who totaled out my Elise, so I haven't had a chance to mess with my 7mm for a while. I've got 30-40 rounds loaded up right now of different bullets and powders to experiment with, but I don't think my shoulder can take it yet.
In reply to Stroker
I recieved my .22 ammo today. Thanks for the tip.
I was in Cabelas over the weekend, same one Dr. Hess goes to I'd wager. They had basically everything you could want BUT .22 of any variety.
There were signs stating limited to 2x 50 or 1x 100 round boxes per customer.
They actually had Hornady .17 HMR in stock at a normal price, I bought 4 boxes. I've had trouble finding Hornady which my gun and I prefer, and had been getting Winchester instead. Most of the center fire stuff was in stock too, except my cheap .270 130 grain Federal Power Shok I like so much, so I picked up 2 boxes of PPU for about the same price I get the Federal for instead. I've shot some PPU .223 with no issues, but never .270 thought I'd give it a shot. pun somewhat intended. 
9/10/14 8:24 p.m.
In reply to pilotbraden:
Glad to hear it. Sorry that more folks weren't able to take advantage. I did the numbers today. We sold more than five million rounds in about five hours... 
I was hoping as they say, to prove that membership has privileges... 
I built a 7.62x39 AR-15 like 4 or 5 years ago and it's always been fairly inexpensive to shoot. It is extremely plentiful. Also have a regular 5.56 one, but I like the 7.62x39 one more. Prices for .223 and 7.62x39 are about the same.
7.62x54r is super cheap but not much more than those above. Certainly the cheaper of the big rounds though. .308 aka 7.62x51 is 40 cents a round, x54r is 20 cents at their cheapest... Tula Russian stuff. Buy like a PSL or something and shoot that round. I think you can get Saiga and guns like that in this round as well.
I get tired of people ranting about the gubmit and Obama going to "take our guns" driving the prices up. Luckily I bought a ton of ammo before that nonsense came up again and still have a lot left.
I've always shot Bear (brown or silver) and Tula. I don't reload. I never had problems with those and they save you a lot of money. I have a ton of German machine gun surplus .308 for my FAL however.
kanaric wrote:
I built a 7.62x39 AR-15 like 4 or 5 years ago and it's always been fairly inexpensive to shoot. It is extremely plentiful.
Do you have any feed issues with 7.62x39 in the AR platform? I was interested in building one but read about quite a few people having issues even when using mags with a steeper bend to them to more mimic the contour of a normal AK mag. I still need to finish my .300 Blackout, I literally need like 1 more part and it is done lol. Oh it has been that way for months now.