I scored a set of rfp1 knockoffs today for it. Problem is they are flat black.
My inner 90s ricer wants to paint them white. My daily driver side says gunmetal to hide the brake dust. My gut says silver.
If someone wants to do a Photoshop, id love it. Or, just chime in.
Crap. Cant seem to post Flickr pictures from thir phone app.
Can yall see the picture?
berkeleying photobucket going stupid and making me use Flickr and learn something new....
White actually wouldn't be bad. It would probably be the best choice with that baby blue paint. It may be a little smurfish and for that reason i'd choose orange.
7/16/17 7:24 p.m.
What color and make is the car?
Holy crap blue 2000 miata
broke down and fired up the laptop. shouldn't be this hard....
Bronze, with this decal on the side:

Or silver. I think your gut is right and silver would be nice.
I would do the monochrome thing and paint them the same color as the body.
JamesMcD wrote:
I would do the monochrome thing and paint them the same color as the body.
I wonder how that would look?
Have never considered that, but the idea is intriguing.
7/16/17 9:14 p.m.
I'm convinced either gold or lime green is the answer.
If I had to pick a color that is different than the body id go with Audi Nimbus Gray.
mndsm wrote:
I'm convinced either gold or lime green is the answer.
Yes lime green for some reason is working on the one above. Probably because it's not my car
7/16/17 10:44 p.m.
Patrick wrote:
mndsm wrote:
I'm convinced either gold or lime green is the answer.
Yes lime green for some reason is working on the one above. Probably because it's not my car
I'm a sucker for horrible colors on wheels for otherwise clean cars. Doesn't work on butchered drift rockets, but this is not a butchered drift rockets.

This color, because it would look great on a blue car.
Hmm, maybe I'll do the flat black wheels for my blue miata in this color.
Do them half red and half white, sort of like this:

Then it'll look like Sonic the Hedgehog!
After looking at a bunch of mariner blue miatas, im down to silver or white.
But, gloss, flat, satin....
Which and why?
7/17/17 8:20 a.m.
Super glossy white because they'll clean up easier and may not hold dust as bad in the first place.
White. Something about white wheels looks so good. Normally I also like color matched wheels, however I think that blue is too dark to make it work.