I know it's a little early. We're flying out tomorrow, so we did Christmas today. Anyone else get their presents yet? If you got any cool car stuff let us know!
My wife got us a GoPro camera set up for our autocross adventures. Really cool! I wanted one so I can go back and see what I did and try to improve my driving.
I'm getting a hard time about wanting to open presents ahead of time is what I'm getting.
Just about to do stockings.....my sister is cleaning my three year old nephew up first so he looks presentable for pictures. (We just had spaghetti....you can imagine what he looks like right now)
Whoops, now I got a knot on my head for peeking into the stockings.
So far I have gotten a Blue-Tooth (that came with my fil's iPhone). I dont use them, but its got the same value as a good set of brake pads...
A set of Magnecor wires for the Miata
12/24/11 6:45 p.m.
this is the only one I'm sure of ( saw the box earlier this week)

We opened ours early since we're going to my parents house tonight. I got a couple of nice cigars, a new cutter, 700watt shop light, a sweet Blues Brothers shirt, an MSD Blaster SS coil, and a Bride wallet 
Teqnyck wrote:
I got a..... and a Bride wallet
That's so you can carry the money for your bride I'm presuming. It's the same wallet most married guys carry.
Well, the nephew responded like most children...more excited about playing with Gertrude's dog leash than with anything in his stocking. 
SWMBO got me three nice work shirts. Some gift cards came in the mail. Waiting for the morning for our gifts and the whole fam-damily is Monday.
Hopefully SWMBO listened me this year and got me nothing.
Fiscal responsibility is the best gift I could ask for.
Unfortunately there's a 6 year track record saying she'll miss the mark again.
Present to myself - a secondhand Snap-On timing light.
My wife an me are just exchanging a couple of small an useful items as we're housing shopping at the moment so spending less helps (apart from the scary bill we got for repairs on her Cherokee
Oh, and according to my wife one of the cats got a fish tank (which he watches for hours and clearly my wife didn't want it at all
) and the porch cat got a visit to the vet to get chipped and fixed. Not sure how he likes that for Christmas,
Got a couple of nice, bit bottles of beer from my mom. A mechanics seat from my dad, and a few other small things.
Wife and I aren't buying each other anything, but going to spend some money on the house in the next few weeks.
carguy123 wrote:
Teqnyck wrote:
I got a..... and a Bride wallet
That's so you can carry the money for your bride I'm presuming. It's the same wallet most married guys carry.
That would be the case but strangely my wife is a doctor and I am not working/part time student. Itll take just a bit more convincing before my seats say Bride too 
Some clothes, a game, and a new cover for the Miata.
12/25/11 8:15 a.m.
BARNCA wrote:
a hooch induced headache
currently this, playing gt5 while waiting for others to wake up.
We do a name drawing deal with a limit of 50 bucks, mostly to keep my little sister from spending too much money on us and because I'm too poor to buy something for everyone.
I think I got Battlefield 3
I got an i-Phone (we were due for a cheap upgarde) and, more importantly, a t-shirt from Murray Bros. Garage. Andrew's a local guy with a ton of talent as a fabricator. His new car is in the February '12 issue of Hot Rod.
i-Phones are cool, but not as cool as Murray Bros. Garage.

I got Forza 4 from the wife.
12/25/11 8:40 a.m.
I made out well - Joe's Racing tire pressure gauge, jack pad adapter for my BMWs, ///M hat, 3 ties, honey badger don't care pint glass, small fridge for my office, Dilbert desk calendar (a tradition of about 10 years now). Bought myself a new Racetech 4009W seat for the M3 too :D
Wife got a dozen charms for her new charm bracelet and a day at the spa.
My 2 kids (11 and almost 14) got a pile of stuff each, topped off with new laptops each. I think the 11 year old is happier with his new harmonica while the 14 year old likes her new Harry Potter Lego game for my Xbox more. Spoiled brats...
12/25/11 8:45 a.m.
I bought myself a Galaxy TAB that I got for stupid, stupid cheap (GF works for a big media monster). My son got a remote control Ferrari that will do doughnuts! My daughter got a remote control rat that will also do doughnuts!
I might be getting an STi engined rally car, but that's still in the works. I'm sure it will do doughnuts! 
Merry Christmas
12/25/11 9:46 a.m.
new pair of driving gloves, G-Force gear bag, Phoenix reverse bleeder brake bleeding system, Shift-I LED tach from Flying Miata.... plus I gave myself a (new to me ) rechargeable AMB transponder ... looking forward to the new season ... Club Trials and TTF
Z3 shifter for the e30 (from wife)
Very big and badass craftsman battery charger (from wife)
Set of Hella 500s (from parents) for the e30
also I think the in-laws got me a CG-lock.
and some clothes and shoes and stuff of less interest...
And I'm getting myself a set of Star Specs for the e30's euroweaves, and getting the Gislaved snow (rallycross) tires mounted up on the bottlecaps....
12/25/11 10:36 a.m.
Two sweaters and the game "Apples to Apples".
The kids on the other hand have just about every Nurf and Lego set in the world....