get your government mandated 2 weeks pay and find another job. E36 M3 happens.
Your retribution will be telling everyone you know that the owner is an ass and a cheat and to not do business with him. That is the worst thing you can do to a business that sells to customer. Bad news travels fast and is remembered a long time.
sounds to me like he just wanted someone to fix his website for him...
i might be filling out every naughty mag subscription i could get my hands on, and make sure he got all those at his home..maybe point his url towards something a bit more interesting than used cars...
Sounds like he only hired you to get the site working, and fired you as soon as he didn't have any more "need" for you. Dishonest, but not illegal. Move on. Do not do any sort of vandalism that could come back to bite you in the ass. Like, don't pull the website or anything.
However, if you can still edit the website, you could potentially make small but significant changes. Add an extra character to links to important sites. Change the address and contact phone number by 1 digit. That would be tough to trace to a disgruntled ex-employee.
Or, since the clientelle are immigrants, add in creative descriptions in Spanish, like: "Una puta murió en el asiento trasero," or "Aplicaciones un cuarto de galón de aceite cada 500 millas."
The site looks like the best that could possibly be done with the limitations of templates. He got a lot of overdue work done, and took advantage of you. Use all the work that you did as a resume to get a real job with a decent person. (If they exist in the used-car-lot world). Start by contacting every other lot that used the same system, since you are experienced with it, then every other lot that doesn't and offer to get them up and running. Heck, contact Wayne reeves and offer to set up sites full time for new customers!
ha ha, I like the second one...(I was hired because I am fluent in Spanish)
by now I have figured out that it was just about the website and cleaning up the office, but what he did not have to do was insult my intelligence...he could have been slightly nicer when he "let me go"
pinchvalve said: The site looks like the best that could possibly be done with the limitations of templates. He got a lot of overdue work done, and took advantage of you. Use all the work that you did as a resume to get a real job with a decent person. (If they exist in the used-car-lot world). Start by contacting every other lot that used the same system, since you are experienced with it, then every other lot that doesn't and offer to get them up and running. Heck, contact Wayne reeves and offer to set up sites full time for new customers!
That is a hell of an Idea pinchy!
Very good idea. I used to make a nice bit of side dough cleaning up crappy frontpage sites.
If you know the templates, you're already ahead of the game.
seriously guys. what is this about 2 weeks mandatory pay?
I am pretty sure he is going to send me a check for one week, so I want to be prepared when I go speak to him in his office asking for the second week.
maroon92 wrote: None of his customers will care, because his clientèle is primarily illegal hispanics, and they can't get approved anywhere else...
Well obviously you got fired because of Requirements number 2 and 5.
2) Proof of Residence
5) Social Security (or) Tax I.D
You can't keep runnin off ole scumbags business!!!
Seriuosly, put a link to the site on your resume and chalk it up as you being freed from some idiot that wouldn't have appriciated or promoted you anyway. Now that you've got this experience you may be able to get a better job earning more than what he was promising you!!!
FYI, I'd take screenshots of the site just in case he ever does take it down.
maroon92 wrote: seriously guys. what is this about 2 weeks mandatory pay? I am pretty sure he is going to send me a check for one week, so I want to be prepared when I go speak to him in his office asking for the second week.
I've never heard of that.
In reply to maroon92:
Well it looks like I was mistaken (given I was remembering from my experience rather than law). Many contracts are written on the basis that the party needs to give 2 weeks notice of termination of employment (if given without cause), but I don't know if you signed a contract like that. I would investigate that. I guess if your contract said nothing of the kind, then you are merely entitled to the hourly wage of the work you did already.
thats what I thought. I didn't sign any contract. though we did have a long term verbal agreement.
Why does a southern accent make someone sound trustworthy...he lured me in with the dulcet tones of someone raised on racism, and sweet tea...
924guy wrote: sounds to me like he just wanted someone to fix his website for him... i might be filling out every naughty mag subscription i could get my hands on, and make sure he got all those at his home..
As cheap as some subscriptions are sending a check makes them almost impossible to stop. The money order I sent to "Black Inches" in high school was money well spent.
Pay later subscriptions are the best... They send the mag, douchbag gets in trouble with wifey, Then the bills start rolling in... Then the collectors start calling.
Kind of reminds me of the scene in the movie "Hackers" where they started tormenting the FBI guy by putting up all sorts of ads on various S&M and gay classifieds with all of his various contact numbers/addresses.
jharbert wrote: Let's all call the dealership and compliment them on their new and fantastic website. :)
I really want to do this.
Drop the story and a phone number on 4chan. That should do some damage.
I have made it my life's goal to stay the hell away from 4Chan...I have seen what they can do...
But if the GRM collective want to do some phone work, I would certainly welcome it.
What are you talking about his site was the bomb before you got your grubby hands on it.
Don't you have any class at all!
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