Peabody said:I tried to convince him to come to the track with me, I even offered to buy him a bike. Nope. He's a pretty decent bass player, I suggested he take some lessons, or even look for people to jam with. Nope, I can't get him off his ass. I told him, you're not going to meet any girls sitting in your room. Nothing.
I think the loss of his long term job and loss of his GF at about the same time is where it started, and he's been this way for some time and we didn't know. There is no illegal drug use, though I do think he drinks far more than he should. He never was a drinker and IMO, shouldn't be.
I'm around your son's age and I'd guess these two are related. Not necessarily in the sense that he hasn't got over his ex, but in the sense that with the way his life is going right now, the idea of dating seems like a joke. He's broke as hell, doesn't even have his own place, overall in absolutely no shape to compete on the dating scene. I've felt like that for most of my life. Maybe he figures he can't afford dating or to do anything meaningful with his life, but he can afford enough alcohol to forget all those problems outside of working hours.
I can also make a guess at why he's sticking to his 30hr/wk job: most jobs are dogE36 M3 right now. Companies seem to be uninventing weekends and ordinary/predictable work hours these days, workloads are going through the roof everywhere, and if his previous job was some sort of white-collar work, the whole job market still looks like a smoking crater at the moment. If his 30hr/wk job isn't terrible he might not be seeing too many better options, and could rightly be afraid of making the leap into something potentially worse and having nothing to fall back on but driving for Uber or Amazon.