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ryanty22 HalfDork
6/11/14 10:19 p.m.

All about economy for me, a friend says I shave like a caveman. Little barbasol menthol shaving cream and this bad bastard

ryanty22 HalfDork
6/11/14 10:21 p.m.

It was my dads 1967 USMC issued gillette stainless steel razor

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
6/11/14 10:21 p.m.

That's almost identical to what my caveman husband uses.

I use a Gillette something or other from the last decade or so.

ryanty22 HalfDork
6/11/14 10:29 p.m.

I dont go much for the new fads in shaving although I was at the upper scale grocery store in my area picking up a new can of barbasol and saw caffeinated shaving cream, like 7 dollars a tube vs 1.29 a can for my barbasol and I almost gave in and bought some just to try

ryanty22 HalfDork
6/11/14 10:30 p.m.

This stuff, I still might pick some up just to try, I'm intrigued

ryanty22 HalfDork
6/11/14 10:31 p.m.

My friends think I am crazy ive been shaving my head with that razor for about 10 years now

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/11/14 10:36 p.m.

I use this:

Panasonic ES LA63

I used to exclusively use a Mach 3 but even since I had BSSO surgery (look it up if you feel adventurous), I lost most of the feeling in my chin. This made shaving a risky proposition. I couldn't feel the pressure from the blade and would turn my face into hamburger.

The shaver is the best I have ever used. It doesn't pull long hairs out and it cuts really close for an electric shaver. I don't have coarse facial hair (babyface FTW) so it works very well.

mndsm MegaDork
6/11/14 10:42 p.m.

What's shaving? Isn't that what the ladies do?

Duke UltimaDork
6/11/14 10:47 p.m.

Didn't we have one of these 6 weeks ago or so?

mndsm MegaDork
6/11/14 10:48 p.m.
Duke wrote: Didn't we have one of these 6 weeks ago or so?

We have this regularly. I bet I can dredge up 5 of em if I try... But I'm lazy and pooping.

smog7 Dork
6/11/14 11:51 p.m.

I sport a full beard but shave my neck with my merkur 180 along with poraso shave cream and either old space or bay rum after shave.

skierd Dork
6/12/14 12:53 a.m.

I use whatever disposable razer I find on sale, but want to go to a safety razor. But for shaving cream, I LOVE this stuff:

My wife took me in to one of their stores in Chicago. I've always had a problem with razor bumps and burn no matter what I used, but not since I started using this.

novaderrik PowerDork
6/12/14 1:49 a.m.

i have a Gillette Sensor razor that Gillette sent to me out of nowhere when i turned 18, which was 21.5 years ago... used in combination with whichever flavor of Edge shaving gel i grab off the shelf at the store, it gets the job done when i shave most of my face every couple of weeks or so, and i get a lot more life out of the blades than they probably wish i would..

this seems like the perfect place to post this commercial:


codrus GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/12/14 3:13 a.m.

Only a true Jedi knight shaves with his lightsaber.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/12/14 5:56 a.m.

In reply to novaderrik:

I am using the same razor, with a can of Barbasol.

DrBoost PowerDork
6/12/14 7:07 a.m.

double edge razor and Mitchells Wool Fat soap.

ProDarwin UltraDork
6/12/14 7:09 a.m.

Cheap disposables in bulk from costco for face. Slightly less cheap disposables that flex in the middle for my head. Leftovers from the above everywhere else.

I tried the safety razor. Got maybe 1 good shave out of 10 tires, then gave up. Maybe I'll try again soon.

chrispy Reader
6/12/14 7:15 a.m.

Haven't really shaved in a year and a half and it's awesome. I use whatever the wife has lying around or "mustache" scissors for light trimming. Avatar pic was from Spring 2013.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
6/12/14 7:16 a.m.

I swear we do one of these a month.

The answer is always:

  • A bunch of metros will post some posh E36 M3 that makes shaving seem like something Victorian women taught us
  • A bunch of dudes who haven't shaved since the 70s will post pics of dudes with beards with funny slogans belittling the metros
  • repeat
Sine_Qua_Non HalfDork
6/12/14 7:33 a.m.
skierd wrote: I use whatever disposable razer I find on sale, but want to go to a safety razor. But for shaving cream, I LOVE this stuff: My wife took me in to one of their stores in Chicago. I've always had a problem with razor bumps and burn no matter what I used, but not since I started using this.

Whoa, that some expensive stuff

M3Loco Reader
6/12/14 7:43 a.m.

Started using this combo about 10 years ago while in the Military and have saved a few hundreds a year. I was going through a 3-pack of Mach-3's at about 18.00 in about 10 days. I match this combo with Taylor of Old Bond Street Shave soap and pre-shave oil, then finish with Fine Classic After Shave Splash.. I've moved to Derby Blades that run about .05 Cents a piece when I buy the big back of 200.

The best 10 minutes I can spend on myself each morning!

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
6/12/14 7:46 a.m.

I use a relatively inexpensive Norelco electric razor. Had it for years and it's been great. My neck is really sensitive, and this is about the only thing that doesn't give me razor burn. Bonus because it comes with a trimmer on the back for edging facial hair and doing manscaping.

Sky_Render Dork
6/12/14 7:46 a.m.

Whatever is on sale.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

FSP_ZX2 Dork
6/12/14 7:58 a.m.

T.J. PowerDork
6/12/14 8:12 a.m.

What's the point of shaving cream? I haven't used any since sometime in the early 90's. I use Ivory soap instead. I think the shaving cream's only advantage is that it captures the cut whiskers in its goo better than soap, but since I shave in the shower anyway, I do not care.

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