9/11 was a wakeup call for all those who thought that since America is the colossus which straddles the globe that we were untouchable.
We are not. We cannot continue skipping along the garden path we were on before 9/11, which really sucks. It's a lot like if you had your house broken into; in a matter of moments your life changed. You now fear terribly for your kids and your wife's safety. That thought now consumes you. What if...? Could it happen again? What do I do? How much reaction is too much?
You need to do something. You add an alarm system, buy a big ol' gun and maybe a big ol' dog, sometimes you don't sleep well at night listening to every little creak and click of the house, wondering if that noise is the precursor of another break in. The LAST thing you want is an instant replay. Maybe you even sell your house and move to a different neighborhood. Uh, hard to do that with a whole country, though.
Dubya had it right. He said once, early on, that the war that was dropped in our laps was not winnable in the conventional sense. You may not like him or how things went in Iraq etc, but dammit he had that exactly right. Of course the pundits all immediately said 'how could he SAY such a thing?' and the next day he backpedaled, which to me was the worst thing he could have done. Instead of going all Churchill 'blood, sweat and tears' on us (which would have been the best thing), he and his handlers botched it. We showed ourselves to be what OBL said: a paper tiger.
It's also become the cornerstone for every nutcase out there who will take advantage of all America offers in the way of freedom and opportunity only to complain about and denigrate that same society when steps are taken to try to keep it together. To those, I say: Stop it. Just stop. You think the TSA and the Patriot Act are a pain in the ass? Just be glad you don't live in Israel. Their internal security makes those two organizations look like polite parking valets.
Dammit, we are not perfect. There's been plenty of mistakes along the way, such as the CIA interfering in Latin America back in the '50's. But we are not on the same level as the Saddam Husseins, Osama bin Ladens, Pol Pots and Quadafis of the planet. To those who incessantly complain about this country: You have a better idea of how to govern 300 million people and make all of them happy? No? Until you do (and can prove it works) STFU.
Many people say the #1 reason we were attacked is due to our support of the Saudi regime. Okay, what would you have us do? Overthrow their government? Isn't that what everybody bitches about all the time, interfering in the workings of another sovereign nation? You cannot have it both ways. So out of necessity we hold our noses and deal with them. That's the way of the world, gang. On a smaller scale: you may not like the people you deal with on a daily basis but in the end what are you supposed to do? Kill everyone who doesn't agree with you at least 80%? Good luck with that.
Right behind that is our support of Israel. Which pisses the Palestinians and the other Arabs off to no end. They say if we just pull our support for Israel then they will love us forever. So allowing genocide is the only way out for us? Uh, no. Not to mention as soon as they polish off Israel the Islamic nutcases (and no I did NOT say the entire Islamic world!) will be back to bitching about our permissive decadent Western ways and we'd be right back where we started.
So 9/11 to me means when the chips were down we all pulled together as only Americans can, when the initial shock wore off we went right back to the denial of the reality of the ways of the world, the 'me first' and 'there's no way but my way' attitude that is the ugly dark side of us. And I'm a bit sick of it, honestly.