I was looking at going back to school a while back and was astounded that our local community college is over $100 a credit hr... Uof west FL is about $30 a credit hr more... it boggles my mind that the local CC is that costly now... i was talking to a friend who was saying the students where PISSED because they raised the cost to $40 or so an hr
just wondering what you guys are paying in your part of the country.
The one I teach in here in New Jersey is also $100 per credit. That's uber-cheap in my area.
Princeton University (near me) is about $1000 a credit (not bad I guess, considering you'll surely get a great job if you graduate).
The real rip off (in my opinion) is the cost of private, for-profit schools. They tend to provide less valuable training than community colleges for far greater cost.
By the way, my tuition at Trenton State College in 1968 was $150 per semester 
My college is $600 something for an hour but that isn't a community college.
Grand Rapids Community which is closest
Resident: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89.50 per contact hour
Non-resident: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $196.00 per contact hour
Out of State: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $293.00 per contact hour
Guess what. I live in the next county over. by a mile. = Non resident status for my wife
CCBC (out side of Baltimore M.d ) was $90 a credit till the fall then went to $100
Still cheap compared to "Real Schools"
Paul B
88/hr for residents, 289/hr for non-residents.
At least I am in an eligible border county in a different state for resident rates.
Austin Community College
$58/hr resident
Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL is $90.32 a credit hour.
12-14 years ago it was $70 a credit hour @ http://bucks.edu/
12/30/10 7:26 p.m.
our local community college is 195.00
Polk State (in Polk County, FL)
noncredit classes $71.37 ($285.52 for non-residents)
bachelor's classes $106.13 ($532.26 for non-residents)
* all the other classes $93.97 ($348.11 for non-residents)
12/30/10 7:55 p.m.
GA paid me to go to the community technical college.
Sinclair Community College
Not sure the cost per credit hour but since I live in the county next quarter is $750 for 13 credit hours. It's the cheapest school in Ohio IIRC.
Slightly off topic, if you haven't watched the tv show "Community" you probably should.
In california at least a couple years ago it was around $30/credit. Now im going to a university where the credits are free but its just $13k/year in other fees.
12/30/10 8:46 p.m.
I don't even know and I teach at one. 
I'd like to say a 3-credit course is $500, though.
I'm attending Ivy Tech otherwise billed as Community College of Indiana.
From their website:
Indiana residents pay $104.55 per credit hour for Summer and Fall 2010.
Out-of-state residents pay $221.35 per credit hour for Summer and Fall 2010.
Purdue University is also in the area. Purdue's fee schedule is a bit unusual, they have fee brackets. One flat rate for between 12 and 18 credit hours for the semester. Though if you want to take just one course it's about $900. So, if it's a three credit class then about three times the cost of Ivy Tech.
12/31/10 9:02 a.m.
Parkland in Champaign, it feeds the U of I directly.
Tuition and Fee Charges (on campus and then on line)
In Parkland College District 505 $102 $102
Out-of-district Illinois residents $261 $148
Out-of-state/international* $403 $226
ok maybe I don't feel so bad... my friend was in Cali... perhaps I should have expected the rest of the world to be similar... I guess i was just shocked because I recall the costs being under $50/hr 10 years ago when I started at the local CC
as for the show Community... YES IT'S AWESOME :)