Another thread sparked interest in what type of schedules that other people work. I am about to transition from school/work to just work, so I am curious how I can frame work into my life in the future.
Currently, this is what I work:
Variable schedule (although I get to make my department's, so getting a day off that I need is typically not a problem)
40 hours/week (overtime is typically discouraged)
3 miles, 10-15 minute commute each way
This was my schedule last week. Two consecutive days off is rare, but I left town for a wedding. I typically work 6 days/week with a weekday off.
Sunday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday: off
Saturday: off
6:30 - 6:30
This week
Work Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat/Sun
Next week
Work Wed/Thurs
Love it.
7:30 ish to 4:30 ish with an hour-ish break anywhere in there if I so chose. M-F
Sometimes a few hours on weekends or evenings.
Scheduled 7a-4p Monday-Friday. Two nights a week and one weekend a month on 24 hour call.
If there's a big berkeley up, work until it's fixed (my record so far is about 27 hours straight).
This week:
8a Sunday - 8a Monday
8a Thursday - 8a Friday
Overtime is an option on the second day off, in chunks of 10 or 14 hours. Order-ins are a possibility at any time.
I usually hit the office about 7:30 and work until I'm done. Today, that was 3:30. Yesterday that was 2:00. Sometimes it's 7:30 the next day. On the 2:00 days it's great to be self employed, on the 18-24 hour days it sucks. I would go insane working an 8-5 in a cubical so the trade out is worth it.
I can't answer that honestly. Some days it looks like playing in the garage while waiting for someone to get their E36 M3 together... and some it looks like flying to some place and working non-stop for days or weeks on end until the problem is solved. Sometimes it's just making a sales guy sound credible in front of a room full of people ( don't underestimate the difficulty and stress involved in those days). Sometimes ... I can do it with a VPN from the paddock. Those are few and far between but... they are why I risk the hundred hour weeks that can happen when you don't punch a clock in 12 time zones.
I work an extra list so my schedule varies depending on who's on vacation, sick, or if there are any events that need coverage. For the most part it's a given that I will work 40 hours, and that I will have two consecutive days off. Beyond that it could be any of four shifts, AM, Mid day, PM or overnight. The next few weeks I am off Sun Mon and floating day to day so this week was 7a-3p tue. and wed., and 3p-11p tomorrow. The rest of the week could be anything. It is kind of a pain but with my seniority it is the only way I could get any early work and some weekends off. I also get a regular change of scenery to keep me entertained.
Officially: 8am-4:30pm M-F
My usual schedule: ~7:15am-4:30pm M-F
Then there's my P/T business I run, which varies from 0-hours to ~12-hours/week. Although I don't set my schedule so much as my customers do.
M: 3:45-12:15
T: 4:45-1:15
W: Off
Th: 4:45-1:15
F: 4:45-1:15
Sat: Off
Sun: 4:45-1:15
Start times are all AM.
Typically pick up a shift on Wed, since I have stuff to do Saturdays and they won't let me work 7.
Generally: Get up at 6:30, make breakfast for the family, go to work get home at around 7:00. 5-6 days a week. Occasionally I get pickup work from the former employers, and that turns it into 7 days a week. I don't make "doctor money," but I don't cheat myself either. I figure I'm not doing bad for a guy who barely graduated high school!
60+ hours a week affords me the ability to take a couple vacations a year while still spending some time with my family in the mornings and evenings. I've done the 80 hour weeks back to back to back, and I'd do it again if I had to, but I don't have to.
As a good bud has always said, "I work to live, and not the other way around."
For reference, when I lived in Gainesville schedule was:
Get up around 6 am, study.
Drive 5 minutes to water lab at 8 am.
Leave at 2 pm.
Class from 2:30 - 5:00.
Deliver pizzas from 5:30 to 12:00.
Study for an hour. Crash.
Change end of delivery shift from 12:00 am to 3:00 am.
Get laid.
M-F 7:30-4:30 + one week a every other month as primary oncall and one week as secondary.
I'm technically oncall everyday as a team lead, but my guys are awesome like that, so that rarely happens.
My biggest traffic jam is a sleeping wife and two stupid cats. I can work anywhere that I can get internet; more of curse than blessing, but I ain't complaining 
Usually, wake up about 12:30pm, and leave the house by 2. Get home a bit after 3:30am. Monday thru Saturday.
Last couple of weeks, most days I've been getting home a bit after 4am, with a couple of 4:30's thrown in for good measure.
Feed the cat, have a beer or two while watching the morning news, then go to bed about 5:30am.
Rinse and repeat. No wonder it's taking three years to get the Miata running!!! 
7:30-4:30, 1 hour lunch break, M-F
I really miss getting to work T-F 6-4 I had at my last job.
2:00-10:30pm M-F. "Half Hour" lunch
. Overtime is strictly forbidden for production employees, but more or less encouraged for the good Maintenance guys. Time and a half on Saturdays. Double time on Sundays, but only if you worked Saturday, too.
10-13 Minute commute by car. 35 minutes to work, 30 minutes home via Bicycle (some jackhole built the plant on top of a hill).
I prefer working days, but most of the management is out the door by 6:00p at the latest, so 2nd shift has it's perks.
i work from home 3 days a week (computer engineer) and 2 days in the office, usually 10 to 12 hours at home. When i go in the office i work from 5:30am until 2:00pm. It is nice working at home but they do get more hours out of you, and you tend to pick it up on weekends too.
M-F, 5:30ish am to 3:30ish pm
Sat, 4ish am to 9ish am
Sun, 4-6 hours, whenever.
I worked 6 pm-6am in a factory four days on then four days off for the last 7 years with optional ( once in a great while mandatory ot). Then just last week I got a new job working days as a pest control technician ( exterminator). I am training right now but I guess for about 3-4 months out of the year it can be 50-60 hours / week then normal 40 most of the rest. We shall see I just had to get off of the 12 hour night shifts. But, four day weekends every other four days I will miss you.
8:00A until, 5 days a week. Getting paid piece rate sucks.
this week:
Monday - Off
Tuesday - noon to 8pm
Wednesday - 7am till 3pm
Thursday - 10am till 6pm
Friday - 10am till 6pm
Satuday -10.30pm till 6.30am Sunday
I find out next week's secheadule tomorrow
8ish AM to 5ish PM, Mon-Fri.
I work four 10s Wednesday through Saturday. I enjoy having 3 days off.
6/12/13 10:15 p.m.
Job 1- 24 hrs on 48hrs off
Job 2- 7a-7p a couple times a month
Job 3 6p-10p once or twice a week and 8-5 one Saturday a month