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fastEddie Dork
5/20/08 7:52 a.m.

OK, over the next week we're moving from a .25 acre lot in the 'burbs to a 1.5 ac lot in the country. Kids are begging for a dog and we always used the excuse our current place was too small, maybe when we move... :nice: Funny how kids can forget something you asked them to do 2 minutes ago but remember stuff like this....

Anyway, my initial reaction was adult Golden Retriever - we're not going to try the puppy route for now at least. But we have a creek that runs through part of the property and given their love of water I'm not sure I want to keep up with a constantly wet and muddy dog trying to get in the house. Other than that and the fact they're a long hair shedding dog I really can't find a strike against GR's.

I've also thought about a Beagle - but how vocal are they really? We have a 6 yr old (boy) and a 13 yr old (girl) and my wife homeschools them both so they are home most of the time during the day. I'm also mildly allergic to dogs but not enough to warrant getting a poodle! :grin:

Advice? Suggestions?

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
5/20/08 8:08 a.m.

I'd suggest going to the pound and just seeing what fits. Lots of dogs to rescue, and they will have a wide variety of sizes, demeanors, etc.

Our rescue dog is a black lab mix - he looks and acts like a black lab, but maxed out at 40#. Short hair is easy to deal with, and he loves people.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/20/08 8:19 a.m.

Beagle: I've lived next door to a beagle. It was not a good experience. Barks almost as much as a Black Mouth Cur, but it's even more irritating.

Golden Retriever: They're goofy.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks love the outdoors and are about as tough a dog as you'll ever find. And if you're ever attacked by lions, they got you covered.

If you're going for an adult dog, the pound would certainly be a good place to look.

confuZion3 New Reader
5/20/08 8:35 a.m.

Rescuing dogs can be an experience. Remember though; some of them may have come from pretty bad backgrounds like our dog (a shi-tsu). She took a long time to get comfortable with us and is still quite timid to this day (4 years later). My grandmother's rescue is a down-right asshole.

I loved my old golden retriever. She was loyal, quiet (except for when she had to bark at those cows), and pretty bright. A tennis ball was all she needed to stay happy.

Getting a puppy is a lot of fun too and not as hard as you think - they pick up on things pretty fast.

bluej New Reader
5/20/08 8:37 a.m.

do NOT get a labradoodle. i love dogs and all animals but these are just big, dumb, smelly, ballistic mops.

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/20/08 8:38 a.m.

I second the pound. You'll be able to take your pick from many makes and models on that used dog lot. Also, some pound dogs are incredibly appreciative. I think they realize that life can get really, really tough and are glad to be in a better place.

Spend some time with the dog you're going to pick. Don't base the choice on looks or a 15 min impression.

CrackMonkey New Reader
5/20/08 9:06 a.m.

If you are slightly allergic, a Schnauzer might be a good choice. They come in three size varieties - mini [20lbs], standard [40lbs], and giant [60lbs]. They are relatively low shed (not as low-shed as a poodle or bichon). I have a mini and he's a great dog - good energy level, large enough to take on a short run or hike, very loving. Small enough to fit in the cars ok. And the in-laws don't mind babysitting when we go on vacation.

Or, a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier. Medium sized dog, low shed. High energy. Not for the lazy dog owner - they can be hyper.

Whatever dog you choose, make sure you plan where you can leave him when you're on vacation. Make sure you can get them the exercise they need - breeds are all different in the level of activity they need to remain healthy and sane.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/20/08 9:33 a.m.

I love my beagle -- she's smart, sweet and supremely loyal -- but they've got a lot of mischeif in their hearts, you can always tell they were bred to hunt, and it's really hard to train it out of them. So they bark, they run, and they're stubborn. Like a Jack Russell, they're better farm dogs than apartment dogs.

We also have a Shih-Tzu/Poodle mix which might be up your alley. Doesn't shed, good sized, good termprament.

914Driver HalfDork
5/20/08 9:46 a.m.

Pound Puppies. (or dogs) They KNOW you saved their lives and let you know it.

Most pounds have a 10 or 30 day return policy. Too jumpy, health issues, drools too much, stupid, bites, hates kids, bring 'em back. Try another one. Great diversity in a pound.


Mental SuperDork
5/20/08 9:47 a.m.

Pound puppy.

Rescue dogs are great, but they require some effort. But a lot of rescue groups can help you get a dog that siuts your needs and the best interest of the dog. I will say the effort is worth it.

As morbid as it sounds , I say pound puppy, and preferable from a pound that auctually euthanises dogs. Stay with me I have a reason.

They have trained dogs to locate cancer in peaple. They can smell it. What we thought we knew a few years ago about a dogs ability to smell we now realize we are only scratching the surface.

A dog at a pound can small what lies at the end of the hallway. If you are the one that comes to get that dog and take them from that, I don;t care what any expert say about animal memory, they WILL remember that.

The dog in my avatar is a pound puppy. Awesome dog, loves kids, loves my other dogs, loves my wife. But he knows where he came from and he knows his job. If you come near my wife when I am not around, he will position himself between you. Come to my house or threaten another dog and you have a probalem. He's not vicous, but he will make his intentions clear log before there is an issue. He was not trained to do this.

Go to the pound, spend some time there, more than one trip. Find one the kids like and that likes the kids. Ask about its history and where the dog came from. Animal control peaple are almost always animal lovers and will be happy to talk with you to ensure a dog gets a great home.

It will take some work, and there will some heartbreak involved, but that dog will look after your kids, and even if its a tiny dog, you will see them get very protective. When the kids are out of sight on that 1.5 lot, you'll be glad you did the work.

If you get the chance, look up Snowdoggie on the board (I dunno if he made the jump yet). He is networked with rescue groups all over the US and might be able to piont you in the right direction.

5/20/08 9:54 a.m.

Why why why????

Why is it that as soon as people move to "the country" they buy a truck and get a dog?

I moved out of the city to get peace and quiet. As new neighbors starting moving in, they've ALL gotten dogs. Dogs that bark. Nighttime at the deer, daytime at people working in their yards. I don't mind dogs, but the inconsiderate yapping makes me nuts.

They say "I need it for the protection". Sheesh, move back to the city or teach your dog some manners.

Obviously I don't have a dog or truck now.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/20/08 10:00 a.m.

Get a Peugeot instead of a dog.


A Peugeot will never run let alone run away.

A Peugeot will only leave a mess in the garage or in the driveway, not on the new carpet.

A Peugeot will never bite you (but you will definately need a tetanus shot)

A Peugeot is sure to die, but the kids would not miss it when it dies.

Since the Peugeot will never run you will never have to feed it, saving you thousands of dollars in food/fuel costs.

bravenrace New Reader
5/20/08 10:03 a.m.

Golden Retriever. But not a pure bred, there are enough dogs needing homes without buying one, and mixes generally make better pets and live longer. Ask Cody, my 15 year old Golden mix, the best dog in the world, IMO.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/20/08 10:07 a.m.

Will a Peugeot tell you when there's a coon eating the kitty food?

Uh, gweeb, you need a truck and a dog. Or to move back to the city. I have 10 acres. My nearest neighbor is 500 ft away. I ignore their meth lab, they ignore my dogs.

5/20/08 10:17 a.m.

Yep as it has already been said go to the pound see what clicks with the family there are normally some great dogs waiting for new home.

I live in the country, we have 2 trucks, and 5 dogs all australian cattle dogs. Only time I have had a problem with someone coming on to the property when they shouldn't was when the dogs were all locked up. Just because you don't like dogs gweeb doesn't mean that others must cater to your likes or dislikes. If it bothers you so much go back to the city.

orphancars None
5/20/08 10:26 a.m.

My wife and I have worked with several rescue groups locally in the DFW area. In total, we've had 24 dogs come through our house over the past 2.5 years.

Is yours going to be an inside or outside pet? Most rescue groups want to adopt out dogs to families that will make the dog a part of the family, ie., an indoor pet. IMHO, it doesn't make a lot of sense to adopt a dog, get it shots, buy it food, if it's going to be left outside like lawn furniture. We get quite a few dogs that come into rescue because they are digging up the yard, flower beds, etc. That happens because the dog is bored and doesn't have anything to do......or it's too hot outside and the dog is looking for a cool place to be.

I have nothing but good things to say about Goldens. They are great dogs. Good with kids, big, goofy, fun dogs. We've fostered several, and there were 2 or 3 that I would have kept if we didn't have 4 of our own already.

We've also fostered several mixed breeds, a collie. Funny thing, but it seems that our 4 dogs teach the fosters by example what is acceptable behavior. All of our fosters start out in a crate until we see that they can be trusted, then they get the run of the house.

If you have your eye on a specific breed, work with a rescue group, ask questions and see if the breed will work with you. Another plus for the rescue groups is that they will try to help you pick the right dog for you and your family. They'll also tell you if a specific dog will NOT work with you (think German Shepherd as a potential fit for someone living in an apartment that is gone 12 hours a day as an extreme example). Good for you, good for the dog.

As others have said, go to your local shelter and see if someone there connects with you. Your local Petco/Petsmarts usually host rescue or humane society groups on weekends.

Lastly, check out http://petfinder.com to look for a pet in your area.


-jeff d 1986 Fiero GT/V8 1973 TVR 2500M 1977 Puma GTE

our dog site: http://houseofmutz.com

GlennS Reader
5/20/08 11:09 a.m.

ive been told by a friend that owned a beagle that beagles are the worst dog you can own. The thing would bark nonstop.

Another friend recently rescued a greyhound. That thing is sweet but i dont think it would respond well to cold wheather. He lives 5 miles from the beach in San Diego and the thing spending a good portion of its time shivering. They are pure sprinters so you can tire them out in about 15 minutes a day and then it will sit on its butt the rest of the day resting.

BBsGarage Reader
5/20/08 11:37 a.m.

Pound puppies rule!

But if you go for a specific breed I personally would lean to a german shepherd

Salanis HalfDork
5/20/08 12:13 p.m.

Again, rescue dog. Not all animal shelters are equal. Find one that really cares about their pets and what homes they go to. They will do their best to be sure you get a dog that is the best fit for you.

Most shelters will not only allow, but encourage you to schedule a chance to play with the dogs you're thinking of getting.

Other thoughts: If you want a dog that barks less, looking at something with shepherding or watch-dog breeding, something bread to be more interested in people than dogs, and to be territorial. They tend to bark only as a notification when something is entering the territory (there is a corgi in our apartment complex that will literally bark once when someone walks by the window). There are even some smaller/less energetic dogs in that group. Lhasa Apsos are great dogs in that respect.

Don't be afraid of dogs that get bad reputations. Pitbulls, dobermans, and rottweilers are very loving and friendly. Big tough dogs are frequently great with children, because the kids aren't likely to hurt them. "Fighting" dogs have also had human-aggression bread out of them.

ProDarwin New Reader
5/20/08 1:03 p.m.

+1 to dog from an animal shelter.

I've always had good luck with mutts. And they are generally healthy - not as likely to have predisposed health problems like many breeds are.

Plus they are cheap, spaid/neutered, and have their shots.

gweeb New Reader
5/20/08 1:18 p.m.

I don't dislike dogs, just ones that bark & their owners just don't train them. Isn't it the same as when a person plays loud music? Not illegal, just inconsiderate (to your neighbors, yet!). The way this audience is reacting...!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/20/08 1:39 p.m.

I just have a few things to add.

In my experience, all small dogs are freakin' nuts and a major nuisance. It's like the speed of a cat with the hyperactivity of a ferret and the loudness of...well, a small dog. I've met a few small dogs that are okay but I'd have to say about 70% of them are like this. My current neighbor has a small dog, it's a major menace to society. It runs in front of every vehicle that comes down the street. When I'm driving the sammy, I don't steer away or brake (although I may for a while now because they just lost a cat :( )

Get one from a shelter. It's cheaper and you'll be rescuing an animal instead of picking up one that some wealthy person who's too good to be seen at the pound would buy anyways. Stray animals can be very nice when domesticated. Also as ProDarwin said, there's nothing wrong with mutts, they actually seem to live healthier lives if anything.

Oh also I second a German Shepherd...and don't expect less noise in the country. If you can talk to your neighbor without yelling from within 50 feet of your house, it's going to be worse.

rebelgtp New Reader
5/20/08 2:34 p.m.

If you do get a German Shepard I would be sure to look carefully at their hips. So many German Shepards in this country have a broken down back end because of breeding for show. This makes many of them have problems with their hips later on in life.

CrackMonkey Reader
5/20/08 3:45 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote: I just have a few things to add. In my experience, all small dogs are freakin' nuts and a major nuisance. It's like the speed of a cat with the hyperactivity of a ferret and the loudness of...well, a small dog.

The problem isn't with the dog or breed. It's dumbass owners who think their small dog doesn't need to be well trained because it only weighs 8lbs. Or owners who don't walk their small dog because "it gets plenty of exercise in the house" (they don't).

My two small dogs (Mini Schnauzer and a Bichon Frise) don't bark any more than any other dog. The Bichon isn't hyper active at all - she's content to sit in my lap and keep me warm. The Schnauzer has more energy, but walking him a few miles a day is plenty to keep him relaxed at home.

CanexicanStig Dork
5/20/08 3:59 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote: I'd suggest going to the pound and just seeing what fits. Lots of dogs to rescue, and they will have a wide variety of sizes, demeanors, etc. Our rescue dog is a black lab mix - he looks and acts like a black lab, but maxed out at 40#. Short hair is easy to deal with, and he loves people.

....and is the only dog I've ever REALLY liked.

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