Well, I learned I'm not a fighter. I found out when I got punched in the face....alot. I thought, "This isn't for me at all. I'm going to stop doing this as soon as be stops punching me in my face." I ended up with two black eyes, which is the maximum number possible. The guy who broke up the fight beat up the other guy, which makes me the only person to fight a guy and come in third.
That was from comic Tommy Johnagins stand up routine. I thought it was freaking hillarious.
Cummon, do you think that if I was in a bar fight and got my butt kicked I'd admit that I was the one with two black eyes?
what do you tell someone with 2 black eyes?
nothing, youve already told them twice
9/28/09 7:23 a.m.
You should see the other guy.
I was a bouncer for about ten years. The best part of my job was tossing fighting drunks. You see, most people that start fighting when drunk think they are total bad-asses. Most are wrong The only time we ever had problems were at teen nights. The ability for a 15 year old to not realize that a 300lb guy CAN and WILL hit you back if you take a swing at him is amazing. I was on the receiving end of a lawsuit that accused me of abusing a poor 16 year old boy named Markus. There is a nice video of Markus hitting me with a glass Mountain Dew bottle (early 90's) and me "returning his deposit". Tossed out of court within 5 minutes.
9/28/09 8:30 a.m.
Being a bouncer has been an unfulfilled fantasy of mine. Probably best left that way.
Remember Wally Cox?
Little guy, milktoast, weeny. Not really. Kirk Douglas (local boy) was talking about being in a film school in NYC and going out at night for cocktails. A fight breaks out and what do you do? You grab the littlest guy in the place and kick his azz to the door and make an escape.
Douglas said many a NY citizen were surprised that Wally Cox was a black belt in some kind of french fighting with your feet stuff.
Yeah, go to a bar all night and stay sober, there's real entertainment!
He was the voice of Underdog.
I was a bouncer while I lived in Gainesville a few years back at Gator City (aka The Purple Porpoise for you old timers). Was quite awesome and the money wasn't that bad. People didn't think a person who is 5'10 190 couldn't do much as a bouncer.....yea hahaha
"You big guys line up. Little guys bunch up. Who's first?
9/28/09 11:03 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
...many a NY citizen were surprised that Wally Cox was a black belt in some kind of french fighting with your feet stuff.
That would be Savate, the French martial art of kick boxing.
"The French, they are a funny race, they fight with their feet, and f--k with their face."
In my experience with bar fights, there is an element of truth in the old adage "The bigger they are, the harder they fall.". Keep your eye on the little wirey guy; he's the one that's gonna kick your... 
9/28/09 12:10 p.m.
NYG95GA wrote: In my experience with bar fights, there is an element of truth in the old adage "The bigger they are, the harder they fall.". Keep your eye on the little wirey guy; he's the one that's gonna kick your...
this reminds me of a story i heard once. a bunch of roughnecks (oilfiled guys) were in a bar in wyoming or colorado somewhere, and the bar had one of those "see how hard you can punch" vidya games. the roughnecks were all taking turns trying to "knock out" (trying to hit 1000 or something) the game and none of them could do it. tihs wiry little cowboy comes up to give it a whack, and the roughnecks start giving him a hard time. so he knocks the everlovin crap outta the machine and then turns around and drops all 4 or 5 roughnecks with one punch each, down the line, bam, bam, bam.
the thing the guys didn't take into account was that this cowboy had one regular sized arm, and the other was about twice the size from all the hanging on one does in bullriding.
Strizzo wrote:
the thing the guys didn't take into account was that this cowboy had one regular sized arm, and the other was about twice the size from all the hanging on one does in bullriding.
I have the same problem and I've never been near a bull.
9/28/09 1:28 p.m.
See if you can find photos of Navy SEALS, Marine Force Recon, most all SpecOp guys are around 5'9, 150# of solid brass. If the haircut doesn't tip them off, most of the time you would never know they were world class bad asses.
My problem is that it's not my arm that's oversized 
carguy123 wrote:
My problem is that it's not my arm that's oversized
Yeah, it's his ego
....cummon man, I just HAD to.
I wasn't sure WHO, but I was sure someone WOULD.
9/28/09 1:39 p.m.
It's like guys who start out driving muscle cars vs. guys who start out driving momentum cars. The guys who have it easy when they first start don't work hard and don't get as good. The guys who start out with a handicap have to learn to be better, and as soon as the playing field gets anything closer to level, clean up.
A small person who knows how to hit can hit way harder than a big person who doesn't. Most people make a fist and just punch with their arm. How much can you press with one arm? Not much. If you generate force from your legs and core, you get a lot more force.
One of my goals in high school was to get as big as I could lifting weights(I was the smallest guy on my football team), till one night in martial arts class my instructor demonstrated a "speed break" basicly a board held up with one hand by an assistant, and you break it. Yup ended that quest really really fast. After that working out became more of getting stronger without getting bigger.
Funny thing is, I respected and looked up to my instructor (never went by sensei) soooo much, one day I ran into him outside the classroom, couldn't believe it was the same person, didn't even recognize him, the feeling of you really don't want the berkley with this guy was insane.
The worst butt kicking I ever saw was dealt by a guy with one arm. No, I wasn't the recipient.
9/28/09 3:40 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
Well, I learned I'm not a fighter. I found out when I got punched in the face....alot. I thought, "This isn't for me at all. I'm going to stop doing this as soon as be stops punching me in my face." I ended up with two black eyes, which is the maximum number possible. The guy who broke up the fight beat up the other guy, which makes me the only person to fight a guy and come in third.
I recommend some run-Jitsu, possible supplemented by some basic boxing courses and maybe a bit of wrestling..... or if that doesnt work you could always invest in one of those rape whistle thingys.
"I didn't know how many of them it would take to kick my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. That's a useful bit of information." Ron White