I have a 968 Porsche for sale and I am trying to figure out where to post it for sale. I was going to post it on rennlist but since I am not a member I would have to pay to join. Not sure if it will even sell there.
I would like to try and sell it where people know what this car is, seems like auto trader would be too many normal car people. This is an older enthusiast car I would think.
Adding a pic since it looks pretty good for its age.

10/26/12 9:20 a.m.
Pelican Parts, is my guess.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/26/12 9:21 a.m.
Yep. Pelican board is the place.
10/26/12 9:30 a.m.
Pelican and Rennlist (if you decide you want to pay). Also, are you a PCA member? They have a free classifieds to members and it gets quit a bit of action.
I was on Rennlist, even paid for my personal membership to get into the private areas. Still never received my Rennlist stickers..... but it's a good site
If you're in the PCA definitely advertise it in Panorama. Also Pelican.
It's been said repeatedly, but Pelican Parts. Not only a great forum/classifieds for Porsches, but one of the best auto related on the web.
10/26/12 11:02 a.m.
Nothing to add to pelican and rennlist. I tend to get more water-cooled tech/info from rennlist and more a/c info from pelican - which might be an indicator of who'se at what site, but it can depend on the day too.
I get my Porsche info from this website called..... GrassRootsMotorsports.

That car is unique enough that eBay is probably worth the fees and aggravation.
I'd suggest rennlist's membership fee is worth it...
put it up on pelican, I am thinking about getting a rennlist account. I guess it would help reach a few more porsche folks. What is your opinion of the price?
Manual or tiptronic?
Pelican is a very good place. I snoop around there quite a bit. Rennlist is good as well but the whole pay to play kind of makes me not be there as much. You may try posting over at Clark's. Not the traffic of Pelican but it is water cooled specific and it is free. You have to email Clark directly to get on the list as there was a huge spam-bot problem a while back but he is good about approvals in a reasonable timely manor.
I am stunned at the number of people who buy and sell higher end cars on Craiglist. Make sure it's up there and get a friend to cross post it to Rennlist for you
10/27/12 9:13 a.m.
If you put it on Craigslist, get ready for a storm of people offering you $7k.
Is there any reason that a 968 should be worth more than a Boxster S?
rotard wrote:
Is there any reason that a 968 should be worth more than a Boxster S?
Drive one of each, and you won't ask that question again.
A 986 Boxster is trash in comparison.
10/27/12 10:57 a.m.
I've driven one of each. If by "trash," you mean "better at everything," you have a point. I was just wondering if the 968 was wanted by people enough to make it worth more than the better 986.
dean1484 wrote:
Manual or tiptronic?
Pelican is a very good place. I snoop around there quite a bit. Rennlist is good as well but the whole pay to play kind of makes me not be there as much. You may try posting over at Clark's. Not the traffic of Pelican but it is water cooled specific and it is free. You have to email Clark directly to get on the list as there was a huge spam-bot problem a while back but he is good about approvals in a reasonable timely manor.
6 speed manual.
I am going to put it up on clarks too. Thanks for the tip.