I have to laugh every time I hear or see someone say that X is "ruining this country". The only thing that is actually, seriously, directly ruining this country is Mother Nature. I mean, hurricanes, tornados, hail storms, erosion, rust, wave action, floods, sandstorms...they do WAY more damage than another social issue. When was the last time gay marriage collapsed a bridge? Or the confederate flag caused billions in damage? If you want to be mad at something for ruining the country, she's the one you should be protesting! 
6/29/15 9:50 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
I have to laugh every time I hear or see someone say that X is "ruining this country". The only thing that is actually, seriously, directly ruining this country is Mother Nature. I mean, hurricanes, tornados, hail storms, erosion, rust, wave action, floods, sandstorms...they do WAY more damage than another social issue. When was the last time gay marriage collapsed a bridge? Or the confederate flag caused billions in damage? If you want to be mad at something for ruining the country, she's the one you should be protesting!
There has to be a parade for something out there that collapsed a bridge because of too much weight on it.
6/29/15 9:54 a.m.
I don't know... the SCCA's continuous rules tinkering comes close...
pinchvalve wrote:
Or the confederate flag caused billions in damage?
I don't know, what was the total damage of the Civil War in $$$ accounting for inflation?

The people ruining our country are those who spend too much time pontificating about people ruining the country and not enough time doing.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
I pledge to spend more time ruining the country and less time pontificating.
Wally wrote:
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
I pledge to spend more time ruining the country and less time pontificating.
Your service is greatly appreciated.
Kids. Young people are ruining this country. And Bob Costas.
Spam email.
Saggy pants.
Holy Rollers.
The list could go on forever, so git of my lawn!!!
Swank Force One wrote:
Kids. Young people are ruining this country. And Bob Costas.
I once read an article on the degeneration of our youth. It was a scathing account of the total lack of respect our youth show for societal values, norms, their elders, etc. The article cited multiple examples of youth’s dangerously rebellious gravitation towards inappropriate music, dress, promiscuity etc.
Well, the article was written by Aristotle 2,000 years ago so relax.
Same sex marriage for example…when you think about it, all marriages are same sex; get married and then it’s the same sex over and over 
6/29/15 10:36 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
hurricanes, tornados, hail storms, erosion, rust, wave action, floods, sandstorms...they do WAY more damage than another social issue.
So... anthropogenic climate change.
Ruination is ruining this country!!!
RX Reven' wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
Kids. Young people are ruining this country. And Bob Costas.
I once read an article on the degeneration of our youth. It was a scathing account of the total lack of respect our youth show for societal values, norms, their elders, etc. The article cited multiple examples of youth’s dangerously rebellious gravitation towards inappropriate music, dress, promiscuity etc.
Well, the article was written by Aristotle 2,000 years ago so relax.
And look where they ended up. Maybe he was on to something.

Mantyhose are ruining the country.
Flight Service wrote:
What is a "Brodozer"?
Usually a truck or SUV that has been modified to look like an off-road vehicle that will never see dirt.
A night on the town will usually be prefaced with a statement such as; "Bro, lets go hit Ronnie's for a movie!" 
6/29/15 10:57 a.m.
You and me, but we're not uncomfortable enough to risk doing anything meaningfully different.
They come in every creed, affiliation, color. And no matter what group you're in, there's a douchebag try to berkeley up the fun.
Ian F
6/29/15 11:13 a.m.
Liberals and Conservatives.
6/29/15 11:17 a.m.
People who think their particular way is the right way and needs to be inflicted on everybody else are ruining the world, let alone the country.
Fill in the blank _. It's always sumthin' ain't it no matter where ya are.
Hey, I'm trying to do my part.
What part of "I'm from from the government and I'm here to help" is not comforting?