With 6 films having been released and the seventh on the way I think this is a good question.
What is the greatest Star Wars character? Anything or anyone goes.
My choice is R2D2. Made it through all the movies, so foul mouth they bleeped every word, and no matter the situation he was willing to give a poke or a prod to the enemy.

I can't debate your logic
Yo Artoo. I’m really happy for you. I’m gonna let you finish but... 
Anakin Skywalker. The first 6 movies are all about him, if you watch them 1,2,3,4,5,6. They are about his son Luke if you watch them 4,5,6,1,2,3
Real answer: R2-D2
Almost real answer: Boba Fett. I know he has almost no screen time and dies at the drop of a hat but he's iconic. Also, Fett's Vette.
12/20/14 7:56 p.m.
Same answer as all the what car threads

The scruffy looking nerf-herder is cool too.
Elan Sleazebaggano. Just because they bothered to give such a silly name to an NPC who had a total of three lines, two of which were just him repeating what Qui-Gon told him to say.
Jar Jar... he helped to bring the two different civilizations on Naboo together...
but he also introduced the bill to give Papa Palpatine total control..
and the proper order to watch the first 6 movies is 4,5,1,2,3,6- this makes the prequels into a big flashback sequence that shows the fall of Anakin Skywalker as he becomes Darth Vader in between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. it's a 3 movie montage between the Rebellion's darkest hour and their greatest victory.
12/20/14 9:37 p.m.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
PubBurgers wrote:
Almost real answer: Boba Fett. I know he has almost no screen time and dies at the drop of a hat but he's iconic. Also, Fett's Vette.
He did not die
And my favorite is Boba Fett.
My backpack' s got jets! I'm Boba the Fet!
how did Boba Fett become known as such a badass? he didn't really do anything in the movies other than die like a punk..
did he get special privileges and access due to the fact that he was pretty much a smarter version of the clones that Vader led and fought alongside in the clone wars? did Vader even know who he was?
Morbid wrote:
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
PubBurgers wrote:
Almost real answer: Boba Fett. I know he has almost no screen time and dies at the drop of a hat but he's iconic. Also, Fett's Vette.
He did not die
And my favorite is Boba Fett.
NO! EU doesn't count. He's dead and "like a punk" is more generous than I would be, but I don't care to use such language on the forum.
As far as having to be told by Vader himself "No disintegration" does not bode well for his skill as a bounty hunter.
This guy because he had the most quoted line in the entire series.

12/20/14 10:55 p.m.
Lando. Mostly cause billy d could sell anything with that smooth attitude. Probably talk Leia straight out of her hair buns.
Wedge Antilles. Bad ass sled driver. Flies around kicking Empire ass.

(They really need to do a Rogue Squadron movie.)
Wait... there were characters in Star Wars? Really? What do we know about any of them?
It is horrible one dimensional story telling with almost no story to tell. That said... I vote for the hot chick. Whatever her tie in was.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
PubBurgers wrote:
Almost real answer: Boba Fett. I know he has almost no screen time and dies at the drop of a hat but he's iconic. Also, Fett's Vette.
He did not die
He was eaten. What do you mean he did not die?