Saw and ad on CL tonight that sounded interesting: basically: drive a car from Fl. to Ca. taking your own little time and route (within reason). Return trip to Fl. will be paid for with a 1 way ticket from SouthWest, and any largish deviations from reasonable route will be on the driver's dime. The (small) sticking point was that the driver will provide what the ad termed "collataral(sp?) to insure the car makes it to Ca.
Part of me says "possible scam" and another part of me says "future episode of People's Court in the making". If you were sending a stranger across country in YOUR car or truck, what kind of collataral would you ask for (and children/wives/significant others don't count)?
OOOPS, very important point(?) I left out: the car in that ad was/ is being transported to a relative who is (supposed) to take over payments.
Ever watch the original Gumball Rally?
Know any girls named Angie?
The guy that posted the ad is asking a favor. Collateral in this case shouldn't be involved. Check references, background check if you're that paranoid, and verify insurance and drivers license status.
Personally, I'd get off my ass and do it myself. This guy sounds lazy, cheap, and untrustworthy. Not someone I want to deal with.
My guess is that the trunk is filled with bags of white, powdery substance, or some other sort of contraband. Be suspicious, I would.
yeah..if they are paying for a ticket anyway, why wouldn't the relative fly in on a Friday after work and drive back?
What kind of car is it? I'd put up with some stupid owner issues for a vette, porshe, etc. but I wouldn't be at all interested in putting up with nonsense in a juke, Camry, or Tahoe.
I did this once back in the 70's. Drove a 240 Z from CT to Kansas City for Tom Condon when he was playing for the Chiefs. Got put up in the hotel with the team and hung out with them for a few days and flew home. No collateral involved
What if the car blows up and doesn't make the trip? Who's paying? Where's that story of the journalist kabooming a Porsche 917 engine and getting sued by the owner?