9/2/16 1:21 p.m.
It's a long weekend. DW and I haven't been out in a while and need to do something fun. The east coast weather is going to be crappy.
So... what movie should we go see? Please no romcoms or Nicholas-Sparks-type schlock. DW agrees with that criteria. Go!
Suicide Squad? Independence Day Resurgence? THe new Star Trek was really good as well.
9/2/16 1:24 p.m.
Suicide Squad has possibility but I heard reviews were meh. So does Trek, though we didn't see the others in the theater. I'll pass on Resurgence. Thanks!
Well I can tell you the new Star Trek was a letdown (even though I accept that they are just Star Trek themed popcorn action flicks), haven't seen the other two, don't think I'll see them in the theater since both are getting poor reviews.
Bad Moms probably has a few laughs and if not, Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Christina Applegate provide multi-generational eye stimulation so Mrs Duke might be able to get lucky afterwards if she plays her cards right 
9/2/16 1:38 p.m.
I've heard good things about Sausage Party. I'm also very sure it's not for everybody.
9/2/16 1:41 p.m.
I thought Suicide Squad was pretty bad.
9/2/16 1:42 p.m.
I REALLY want to see Sully. Supposed to be an accurate portrayal of a truly heroic event.
9/2/16 1:46 p.m.
I want to see Sausage Party and Bad Moms, but not bad enough that I can't wait until after they come out on video.
We saw Secret Life of Pets a few weeks ago. Kept us entertained. If you're a dog/pet lover, I'd go ahead and recommend it. If not, pass.
War Dogs looks promising.
The wife and I went and saw Bad Moms, it is funny, especially if you have interacted with a PTO\PTA.
Was just looking for the same idea myself, "Hell or High Water" seems interesting as does War Dogs + Hands of Stone
Haven't seen any of them but heard Sausage Party + Bad Moms = good and funny, Suicide Squad + Trek = Over rated.
9/2/16 2:00 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
War Dogs looks promising.
I would literally pay you $10.50 if it would keep me from ever having to see Jonah Hill again.
Ben-Hur? Big budget swords and sandals flick looks promising.
Isn't Range-15 out?
I'm not sure if Zomcom falls in the same category as Romcom or not...
Range 15 + a billionty
Unfortunately it came out a few months ago in theaters (best movie of all time!). It's now available from ITunes and Amazon I believe.
Seriously, I've never laughed so hard at a movie.
I enjoyed the new Star Trek, but its a happy crashy throwaway movie. Secret life of Pets bored me to tears.
That's about the extent of my new movie knowledge.
ncjay wrote:
I've heard good things about Sausage Party. I'm also very sure it's not for everybody.
Sausage Party was pretty much what you'd expect- raunchy and way over-the-top immature. SWMBO and I figured that 75% of the show's budget must have been the weed they smoked while writing the thing. Not necessarily bad- but sure as hell a mile away from good. More than a few points just get uncomfortable, and it would have been far better without a few minutes near the very end.
My personal suggestion would be to go see Kubo and the Two Strings- it was easily one of the best movies we've seen this year. It's a real pity it got such a crappy release (half my local theaters didn't even have it, the ones that did had very limited showings), but it's a great movie for the whole family and it will hopefully win at least a few awards for effects.
9/2/16 3:36 p.m.
Wife Unit and I did Suicide Squad for Date Night. It was fun, not brain food, but entertaining if you like that kind of thing. Not as good as Dead Pool, but same genre.
Reviews seem to be about evenly split between those who enjoy and those who thought it was stupid.
Hell or High Water would be a good film to see.
Jason Bourne was really really good (if you have seen the other ones). Secret Life of Pets was really entertaining (if you have pets, you understand it more). Hands of Stone looks really good as well. Ben Hur looks pretty entertaining for a big budget type movie.
Kazoo Jr. and I really liked the latest Bourne movie if it's still playing near you. Fighting, carnage and a pretty spectacular car chase for you.
I'm told ladies love Matt D so----->win/win.
I am going to see Hell or High Water tonight. Supposed to be very good, with a very good story. A bit like No Country for Old Men style wise I hear. It will likely be a bit violent of course. Seems like it might be an Oscar contender.
Sausage Party is supposed to be very funny, but of course very blue.
GF and her daughter picked Don't Breathe, tonight. I thought it was a pretty good scary/suspense thriller. The ending was kind of weak, though.
In honor of Gene Wilder's passing, many theaters are doing a big screen showing of Willy Wonka and some Blazing Saddles.
For daughter, find Wonka.
I saw a preview for Kubo and the two strings. I had heard nothing about it til then, but its next on my list, I think.