"Why, it's DEER season!" Whether you hunt or not, we're headed into that fun part of the year here in the midwest when anything with a brown fur coat and cloven hoof loses its freakin' mind. We drove back and forth across the great State of Michigan for an appointment today. I've NEVER seen it this bad. I-94 looked like the set of "Sharknado 7 - Flying Deer Attack".
There was a semi truck stopped right in the middle of the highway. It was parked at the end of a big pile of what used to be a deer, so I assumed he just hit it. I was a bit baffled as to why he came to a complete stop because truckers usually don't even slow down then they hit a deer. As I was moving past the truck, I realized there was another deer standing right in the middle of the interstate, 5 feet from the front bumper of the truck, just looking at the truck and driver. He was out of his truck, waving his arms trying to get it to move and it was just standing there. Strangest thing I've seen in a while.
CLIFF NOTES: The deer are trying to kill you, plan accordingly.
Also: If you understood the title reference, your Saturday mornings were likely awesome.
kazoospec said:
Also: If you understood the title reference, your Saturday mornings were likely awesome.

As for the topic at hand, there are two types of drivers in Michigan. Those who have hit a deer, and those who will hit a deer. I swear they are the dumbest things on 4 legs, and while I'm not a hunter, I greatly appreciate those that do and keep the population under control.
10/18/21 1:08 p.m.
We saw some yesterday here in the suburbs. We NEVER see deer here. I know they're here, but I never see them by us.
Yesterday driving through Indiana cornfields I saw probably 20 different spots where the road was stained red. No question what caused it.
We made fresh venison sausage breakfast sandwiches at work last Friday. Yum.
Not as frequent down here in OKC vs the Tulsa area.
Although a few years ago I did see a legit wolf running down our street after a snow storm.....that was a bit disconcerting.
10/18/21 3:29 p.m.
I hit a deer once.
I've been hit by a deer twice.
I've had the pleasure of being smoked by a deer in a Firefly
I saw 6 of them either on or just beside the road this past weekend, along with a fox, two skunks, a pile of raccoons, and more possums than I think need to exist
10/18/21 3:40 p.m.
We were heading up to Cadillac, Mi. years ago about this time of year. My friend tried to convince me that you need to drive at least 80mph for the deer to get out of your way. They see you coming at 65-70 and they figure they have time.
preach (fs) said:
We made fresh venison sausage breakfast sandwiches at work last Friday. Yum.
Go on... I have probably 30 lbs of venison left in my freezer
The deer and elk around here like to get smacked by vehicles far too often. I avoid driving back roads around twilight this time of year, simply because I like my vehicles
We have far fewer deer here, but I've been seeing some carcasses on my commute through the middle of a WMA.
Also, between here and Gainesville, those of us coming from the Daytona area will also be traveling through areas with lots of bear activity.
While the deer here aren't the size of those in the northern states, the Florida black bears are big.
10/18/21 9:18 p.m.
In reply to Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) :
HAH! That’s it! Hold it right there! Pronoun trouble.
Back when cartoon animals made jokes about incorrect grammatical usage. Good times....
As soon as the combines start taking down cornfields the number of roadkills starts rising and continues to rise into the Rut around here. We have a small heard in town that I enjoy watching. I can't eat wild game anymore so I no longer deer hunt