Whats a good thinkness to get to make some rust repairs? I got some rust on the underside that I have cut out and was going to buy some sheet metal to tac up in its place. Nothing structual just repairs such as hole ins the trunk and around the battery area. Want it to be thick enough to mig without much issues but thin enough to lightly shape if needed.
Damn never thought of that.. good call..
Better off with a roof panel from an Oldsmobuick. Salvaged the back panel from a scrap washing machine this week. It's contours will lend nice to a gauge panel and some crinkle coat. Free metal is good metal.
My last three rust repair metal sources were, RX7 hood, Mustang trunk and S10 inner fenders.
cwh wrote:
Go to JY, get old hood?
A 4'X4' sheet of fresh new cold rolled is well under $40. No stripping, no body lines and no reinforcements to remove.
At the pick n pulls around these parts a straight hood sells for about $100