Like pictured, but metal, snaps in, snaps out, holds two pieces of sheet metal together. I'm struggling to find them, only place I haven't looked is the dusty old hardware store. Application is the RF shield on a late 40s Crosley radio chassis, I only have 1 of the 5. Could use modern plastic parts (christmas trees or whatever), but being a RF shield I figure metal is better.
EDIT: I suppose I should give the size, it's a 1/8" hole, a dzus is way big, especially on a 5 tube table radio.

9/11/15 4:00 p.m.
Plastic push drive rivet?
9/11/15 4:02 p.m.
Errr I guess if you wanted a metal one it would be called a metal push drive rivet? Not sure that those exist though. You could use a normal rivet.
Actual rivet is out of the question, shield is removed whenever servicing the radio, covers the wiring and components on the bottom of the chassis.
I thought they would be called "metal push rivet" too but I find nothing on those terms.
I bet these guys would know: the Military Communications and Electronics Museum in Kingston, ON: link (You're an ally, right?) From what I can gather, this is the sort of question they love to get.
9/11/15 9:30 p.m.
I believe it's called a button head dart type clip.
I'm not sure where you could find them in metal, but you could use emi gasketing or copper tape to make sure the covers make contact even if the fasteners are not metal.
In reply to jstand:
Thanks, that term gets me a lot closer, the steel piece I have is basically that but with 3 prongs instead of 2 and an open tip.
Looking at how it's put together, the screws that hold the chassis into the cabinet clamp the shield to the chassis pretty good (top to bottom you have chassis tab, shield plate, wood cabinet) in 3 places and it isn't strictly necessary to begin with. I'm really complaining about nothing and just pissed that I can't even figure out what these things are called.
Would door panel clips work? The wire ones from 60's cars work that way.
Alternately, what about a riv-nut and screw?
9/12/15 6:51 a.m.
If it has 3 prongs then it's an accordion style clip.
I don't know what they are called, but there are a lot of them in either black or tan holding NA Miata interiors and trunk parts to the car.
Can you use a split rivet?