Add guns to this and you have my pain. A few months ago around 3 am I had a drunk and stoned idiot decide the berm in front of my house was a good place to go shooting, when I confronted him he decided to wave his plastic carbine wanna be assault rifle at me and threaten me. It went downhill from there and he's now dealing with the police. But yeah, people are idiots.
In reply to wearymicrobe:
So some guy got out of his car and jumped your fence just to admire a smoker? That's the second most ridiculous thing in your list.
The first is the old lady, I hate when people are to busy in their own lives that they can't help an elderly person.
7/8/13 10:00 a.m.
Spinout007 wrote:
when I confronted him he decided to wave his plastic carbine wanna be assault rifle at me and threaten me. It went downhill from there and he's now dealing with the police.
Glad you're ok, but you berkeleyed up in a big way.....
Weary, sounds like just about every other well populated area anymore. Indianapolis isn't that horrible, but Indiana always seems to get progressively worse as you go to the north and west.
In reply to yamaha:
Says the guy that doesn't live here.
Most people have and attitude of "it ain't my job" "it ain't my problem" or "it ain't my fault". A special few are asshats that love to berkley with people.
7/8/13 10:53 a.m.
impulsive wrote:
Sounds like you should move.
well don't move to Phoenix, this place is inbred ghetto trash city. Even the people with money act like trash, Paris Hilton must be a role model for them.
I HATE Phoenix. I despise that city, it bugs the E36 M3 out of me that my sister lives there still- I really don't like to skimp out on family, but I do not like visiting her there.
yamaha wrote:
Spinout007 wrote:
when I confronted him he decided to wave his plastic carbine wanna be assault rifle at me and threaten me. It went downhill from there and he's now dealing with the police.
Glad you're ok, but you berkeleyed up in a big way.....
Went without a light lit, he had a light, no one knows my property the way I do. I waited till he went dry and dropped the mag before turning my light on and saying something to him. It's generally a 30 min or better wait before the police get out to where I live. Same with FD. I handled it, till he got confrontational about it I was just going to tell him to leave. I had my grandfathers J frame .357 with me if it was needed, but I do live well outside the city limits. I usually have to run 4 wheelers off our property a few times a year. I went about it in a way that I thought would minimize the chance of being shot/shot at. I also have the sherrif's office dispatch line on speed dial, they came lights and sirens when I told em there was a gun involved and being threatend.
Did I handle it the wrong way? Good possibility. Did I try to minimize the danger to myself? Definately!
7/8/13 12:05 p.m.
In reply to Spinout007:
Thats a bit better than what was originally posted. I prefer people who shouldn't be there disarmed, proned out, and E36 M3ting bricks waiting for the deputies to arrive.
In reply to Moparman76_69:
Indy has nothing on the level of stupidity and worthlessness as NW Indiana. I berkeleying hate going anywhere close to that area. The "ain't my problem" crap is basically just the way society is heading......I swear all the people coming out of school in my area are getting more and more worthless day by day.
In reply to yamaha:
Skipped the details,
trying not to threadjack. 
yamaha wrote:
Spinout007 wrote:
when I confronted him he decided to wave his plastic carbine wanna be assault rifle at me and threaten me. It went downhill from there and he's now dealing with the police.
Glad you're ok, but you berkeleyed up in a big way.....
Weary, sounds like just about every other well populated area anymore. Indianapolis isn't that horrible, but Indiana always seems to get progressively worse as you go to the north and west.
I spend a good bit of time in Indianapolis for work. Never get outside the city but people open doors and at least say good morning there.
Spinout007 wrote:
A few months ago around 3 am I had a drunk and stoned idiot decide the berm in front of my house was a good place to go shooting, when I confronted him he decided to wave his plastic carbine wanna be assault rifle at me and threaten me.
You realize that you very nearly stepped into your own death, right? If a drunk and stoned guy is shooting a gun outside your house, the safest thing to do is hide in the most penetration-proof part of your house and call the cops. Even busting out your own gun and starting a firefight NRA-style is safer for you than confronting a drunk & stoned shooter unarmed.
Edit: OK, read reply to yamaha, I'll say your Solid Snake tactics are safe and sensible enough.
Around here, people behind you get real mad if you don't pull into an intersection when the light is green and you know you cannot clear the intersection.
7/8/13 1:09 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
You didn't read what he replied to me evidently.
Weary, we do seem to at least have some hospitality around here......something I am not used to seeing when travelling elsewhere. Oklahoma was pretty good though.
I recall driving in NYC a while back. The light was green, and I was making a legal and proper right turn. A number of pedestrians were in the crosswalk, and I stopped so as not to run over them and kill or otherwise harm them. This chivalrous act so enraged the driver behind me that he leaned on his horn, and blew it repeatedly until the crosswalk cleared and I proceeded. Apparently it is the custom in NYC to run over pedestrians. I had no idea.
A week like that would probably make me stay inside for a week, just to get away from all those idiots.
I got hit by a half empty beer can at 7:00 AM while on my bike a few weeks back. The thrower did NOT react well when I blew him a kiss and gave him the finger when he was stopped at the next light. I had to retreat into the woods to avoid getting run over.
I have been hit with beer cans ranging from empty to "at least I get to open and drink this beer".
They usually say something like "nice helmet" or "get a car". It is like they cant possibly fathom somebody wanting to do physical activity on purpose!
This happened often in college. I would remember the car and sometimes act out my revenge. Taking the valve stem out of tires causes hours of inconvenience!
Rob R.
7/8/13 1:40 p.m.
In reply to wvumtnbkr:
Hopefully not out of just one.....those people need them all removed. The worst we get here is cigarette butts thrown at us. 
I sincerely believe the zombie apocalypse has already started. Think about it, brainless masses of what used to be people with no regards for anyone but themselves.
Sounds pretty zombie-esque to me.
Catatafish wrote:
I'm not going to say that bad things never happen in Canada, but they sure don't happen ever day. Maybe move to a country that is actually known for being polite?
Ugh, his little section of America is in no way indicative of this ENTIRE country of 300+ million people.
But you knew that, you just wanted to do one of THOSE posts.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
I have been hit with beer cans ranging from empty to "at least I get to open and drink this beer".
They usually say something like "nice helmet" or "get a car". It is like they cant possibly fathom somebody wanting to do physical activity on purpose!
This happened often in college. I would remember the car and sometimes act out my revenge. Taking the valve stem out of tires causes hours of inconvenience!
Rob R.
OK I thought I was the only one to get them thrown at me. I have a valve stem pulled and a safety glass popper in my little bag of tricks.
Three stitches last time I got hit.
I had some guys in a work truck throw an aluminum can at me today towing my boat home. Yes, I was going slower than traffic, keeping to the speed limit in the far right lane.. but it was no reason to toss a can at me. Thankfully it missed.
Sadly for them, I did not miss the "safety is our goal" sign on the back 
For the record, I was in canada last week and walking in public etiquette was also pretty terrible.
7/9/13 1:20 a.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
I think the politeness of Canadians is one of the biggest propaganda lies in history.........