The weather app thread got me thinking: surely some of you have weather stations you like. I've been wanting to get one forever and this might finally be my year. I'd love something I could put up on a pole that does Temp, baro, wind speed and direction, humidity, rainfall amount, and keeps itself charged via wind or solar.
Who's got suggestions?
EDIT: I should mention that I can mount this somewhere where it has a decent WiFi signal as well. So internet connectivity (not just device connectivity) is a nice plus.
Davis Instruments is a pretty well known name in the business.
I have a "sainlogic". I think its this one
its great as long as it works. My dad has one and gave one to my brother and one to me. Dads has been solid. Mine has crapped out a few times and then comes back to life. My bro's rain gauge quit working. Mine is online.
I have this one
if I had to do it all over again I'd get the one with the rain gauge and anemometer. But lacrosse technologies is very solid. Just change batteries outside and it keeps working. 4 years strong
Another vote for Davis Instruments. We use them for at track info and have been for nearly 20 years.
I have this one at home. Will connect to Weather underground, PWS weather, Alexa, Google Home, etc. Works well.
Disappointed we've made it this far an no one has told me to just stick my head out the window. Y'all are slipping.

But more seriously, I've often thought of getting one but the increasing accuracy of forecast and radar apps keeps persuading me not to bother.
GameboyRMH said:
the increasing accuracy of forecast and radar apps keeps persuading me not to bother.
Yeah this has been my thought as well. But we've been doing a lot of planting the last couple years and keeping accurate track or rainfall seems like kind of a valuable thing as we try and re-tree our property. Plus it's cool to look at an app and be able to say "the wind is blowing at exactly 19.2kph" to your neighbors before they call the cops.