Got a desk? Got stuff on it? I got some stuff. Wanna see it?
Clockwise from far left: Rudy Johnson, Former Bengal; Bugeye WRX model; Goomba from a happy meal in the 90s; A DK General Lee Finger Bike - I used to own a G.L. just like that (only 200 times bigger); and a patch for being a College band dork

From Left to Right: Triumph TR6, Datsun 510, R32 GTR

Besides a lot of papers, 5 keyboards, 2 laptops, , a monitor, a router, phone and some Sonic toys:
The following Hotwheels: 3 Esprits of different colors, including the "Tooned" one, a Europa, Evora, Elise and Exige.
Can I include the shelves over my desk?
in that case.. two computer towers, with the assorted keyboards, monitors, a scanner, and printer. one laptop.. Some hella 90MM headlight moduals, a fan.. and about every 1/64th fiat model I could find.
Not to mention assorted BMW, Fiat, Lancia, and porsche 1/24ths models.
the business stuff is on the desk. the models are on the shelf.
And no.. I have not see the top of my desk in a while
Clean desk policy here :(
Oh great, now I am going to have to try and find that TR6 Hotwheels. Anyway I have on my desk:
King and Mario Andretti from Cars, a Alfa GTV-6, 64 Spitfire, Micromachines Patriot Missle launcher, Jag f1 car, and a disected laptop HD.
1:64 scale: Alfa Romeo GTV, Lotus Europa, Karmann Ghia, Thing, Type II, '65 Austin Mini Van, Mach 5
Beetle Pen holder that I got from the VW display at NAIAS09
1:18th LS400
'49 Ford Woody magnet
Plenty of other non car-related stuff.
Maybe it'd be easier to post pics.
I have semi-organized chaos
I have too much crap on my desk. 
GRM Calendar! Coupla 1920's car race posters, B&W photo of the flatiron building in NYC, pictures of bore erosion, spread sheets on spiral wear, reports on a new propellant and a 1978 photo of my wife.
Oh yeah, a 5 X 7" picture frame with dead rose petals in it, the caption "Zuzu's Petals" under it. Reminds me that all this is not a dream ....

Monitor/laptop (not attached to monitor) speakers. Empty beer bottles. (one Bells Oberon, one Big Sky Moose Drool) one filled oil sample waiting to get mailed to blackstone labs.
I mainly work from home, and we just moved to the new house ~ a week ago, so my desk is pretty clean right now.
A scented candle, a bamboo backscratcher, a box of matches, some CDs, a half-empty bag of Fig Newtons, a couple of copies of New Yorker magazine, a stack of unpaid bills, an incense burner, a roll of white duct tape, a fly swatter, and a cup full of pens and pencils. Plus more paper.. lotsa paper.
Mac laptop, adding machine, fan, box of Kleenex, couple folders of stories to proofread, lots of papers, Moe's coaster, Westminster crackers, saltines, clock, plant, big bag of Sakrete, lots of little Hot Wheels, phone, nekkid clown calendar, rack of manuals, post-its, tape, stapler, pen cup, stationery rack, In basket, more stacks of paper... it's a mess.
9/1/09 10:48 a.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
... big bag of Sakrete,
More patio work? I don't know who's goin' down next, I just hope it's not me.. most folks on here will require more than one bag.
9/1/09 11:34 a.m.
In addition to the usual computer crap and boring business stuff, I have:
- Badtz-Maru mini trashcan full of pens and pencils
- a couple of pint glass/beer stein autocross trophies
- a miniature Progress coil spring
- an unblown 3-liter-bottle blank that looks unfortunately like a... err, personal massage device
- an Evolve Fish with feet that's holding a wrench
- a still from the horrible movie version of The Fountainhead
- an erection bolt from the first building I ever designed that cost over $1million in construction.
I used to have an N-scale electric train running around my monitor pedestals but it ended up taking up too much space so I put it away.
2 monitors, two workstations, a check for 37K, (yea!) some post it notes and a PCR heat pump.
... not much some water bottles, my computer some cheat sheet papers (new job so they are handy) and a notepad and pens.... oh and my phone... get to my permo desk/cube next week... i'll start with some pics... maybe i'll finaly build my aw11(mr2) model that i've had for like 7 years and not built yet and put it on the desk...
I can't show you a picture, but I sit in a room with a desk and two monitors and I fix things I can't talk about on a network that doesn't exist.
Autolex wrote:
I can't show you a picture, but I sit in a room with a desk and two monitors and I fix things I can't talk about on a network that doesn't exist.
We work for the same company?
Besides the laptop w/docking station, monitor and other computer stuff, voicemail phone, there is a car-a-day desk calendar, a couple pads of paper w/pens and pencils laying around, a small clock, an paperclip cup, stapler, scotch tape, misc work papers laying around. On the moniter base is a toy model a a Corvette Stingray, a toy model of the Cars cartoon star and a toy model of a Chinook helicopter (which is my past and present work). On the cube wall, autocross events list, GRM calendar, CM calendar, pic of me in Saudia Arabia during Desert Storm, pics of my Opel GT and a MKII Midget and a MKII Sprite. That's all I can mention, the rest of the stuff laying around wouldn't interest you. If it does you might be a candidate for a patio. 
I am in a box. The floor is my desk. I thought outside the box once. Once.
New Reader
9/1/09 1:26 p.m.
3 laptops, a desktop pc, large format printer (way to big to be on desk - but it's attached), schecter banshee under the desk, stacks of photoshop, illustrator and airbrush mags and old pic of my long gone TR-4.
DHS ICE here. Not quite the "no pictures" kind of thing but close.
38 caliber shells , 2 bottles duster /blowoff/old hat /old vw clutch brake foot pad covers package unopened 1980ish/mga rear viewmirror ,jaguar rear view mirror /nothern tools master catolog /flat head screwdriver / 2 window tint squeegee cards // pens // toshiba laptop and a dell clunker
Autolex wrote:
914Driver wrote:
Autolex wrote:
I can't show you a picture, but I sit in a room with a desk and two monitors and I fix things I can't talk about on a network that doesn't exist.
We work for the same company?
Dept. of the Army.