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Tom Heath
Tom Heath Webmaster
6/3/10 3:02 p.m.

Simmer down, fellas.

Keep the signal-to-noise ratio at a reasonable level and we'll all be fine. Turn an otherwise great thread into a "Who's the biggest Texan" and it gets less fun.

Osterkraut Dork
6/3/10 5:29 p.m.

What's the deal with everyone in CO being fit? It's not just an observation, it seems, the statistics seem to agree.

CaptainSpaulding New Reader
6/3/10 7:58 p.m.
Kia_racer wrote: In reply to CaptainSpaulding: What time of year were you down here. They say we should hit 100 this weekend.

I was in Austin last month. We have our fair share of 95+ days in Colorado and I am orginaly from the midwest so high humidity is no big deal.

I have been checking out homes with a little bit of land (3-6 acres) east of Austin and the cheap prices blew my mind. You can pick something up in that area for about half of what my townhouse cost. I

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
6/3/10 8:14 p.m.
daytonaer wrote:
Osterkraut wrote: Answer: Denver. It's Colorado's Austin, but with a lot more sway over how the state is run. Boooo.
Care to elaborate? I'm from the north east, not familiar with southern analogies.

Here's one with a lil' more "national" meaning...it's a Blue island in a Red sea.

Guess the fact that I originally thought his comparing Denver to Austin was a compliment should tell ya what side of that fence I'm on...

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