Yesterday I spent 4 hours driving to/from soccer games & home in between. When all that was finally done I cracked a beer (Cigar City Jai Alai) and sat down on the couch. SWMBO put on some terrible reality TV show. The kid was doing his own thing. I put the glass of beer back in the fridge & opened the Uber App. I drove from about 9:45 until a little after midnight. 6 rides.
I drove for about 2.5 hours and cleared just over $100 for 50 miles of driving. Gas was probably <$10. Zero depreciation in my eyes since the E91 has 194k miles.
I was pleasantly surprised by the people who did tip well. The drinkers were the most fun, engaging and friendly (of course). One couple tipped $10 in cash and another $4 in the app for their 15 minute ride, they were my first customers. I picked up a very drunk couple from a concert at the amplitheatre. They were late, messy drunk, and disorganized...but apologetic and nice. I was friendly & helped them pick a new destination when they decided they needed kareoke. They handed me a tip for $20 in cash for a 5 minute drive (in addition to the fare).
I've worked in the service industry. While tipping for "service" has gotten pretty broad recently, I'd never ride in a cab or Uber without tipping the driver.
The most disappointing thing was the people who didn't tip. My two longest rides didn't 20-something made me spend 5 minutes getting called into a gated community to drop her off. [EDIT: The gated community ride, also the longest, just added a $6 tip (20%)]. 20 something hipster dude who requested mary j blige (i played it) didn't tip. WTF. 1/2 women riding to/from work tipped. Both short rides where I only made $5.
I think $20/hr before gas is easy on a saturday night. Here's the rub: in order to be considered a Gold driver you have to accept 80% or the rides they "match" you with. I accepted <10%. There were a lot of $5 rides where pickup was 20 minutes away, 20 miles away, or longer rides. There were also a few long rides (2 hours 1-way) paying only $60.
I avoided downtown last night until i decides to pick up a ride on my way home. That's where the drinkers I'll probably try and see if the traffic is manageable. In hindsight, it's probably OK after 10pm. It's probably worth staying up till 1 or so for bar drop-off.
My office is an hour from home. On days I drive in, I and see if I can pick up a fare. I could probably get airport fares, but I'd have to do that early in order to still get to work at a reasonable hour.
Currently driving my e91 with manual transmission. It's decent on gas (mid-20s around down). My son's minivan would qualify for XL if I can find a seat cushion for the jump i may try to get some higher fares for concerts.
I'm guessing uber pays drivers less than 1/2 of what they charge.
That beer did taste pretty good after I finally sat down to drink it.