ProDarwin said:
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
In reply to mtn (Forum Supporter) :
I had to go to Lowes to repair a door yesterday. I was there about an hour. In that time I saw 3 people pull down their mask and rub their nose or mouth. 25% of them didn't have their nose covered. The best part, 90% of them rub their face as soon as the pull off the mask when they get to their car. Yet they think they are safe because everyone says a mask will save the world.
To me this is sort of like saying people are too hung up on wear "WEAR SAFETY GLASSES" because you saw a few guys misuse them on a job site you went to.
Used correctly, masks are effective.
I agree, you can't forget about the other parts like keeping your hands clean, not touching your face, and most importantly, social distancing.
Unfortunately, it is absolutely nothing like "wear safety glasses." A virus does not act anything like flying shrapnel. wearing safety glasses, even incorrectly, will still protect your eyes A LOT more than none at all. Face covering, even worn correctly, help a small amount.
Used correctly, masks are effective. I will amend that to " Used correctly, and in the correct situations, masks are somewhat effective."
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
03Panther said:
Unfortunately, it is absolutely nothing like "wear safety glasses." A virus does not act anything like flying shrapnel. wearing safety glasses, even incorrectly, will still protect your eyes A LOT more than none at all. Face covering, even worn correctly, help a small amount.
Used correctly, masks are effective. I will amend that to " Used correctly, and in the correct situations, masks are somewhat effective."
Ok, I'll agree if the assumption is masks provide nearly 100% protection. They dont and I haven't seen anything claiming this.
Masks reduce the spread of the virus. Used correctly they are effective at doing this.
Safety glasses reduce the chance of shrapnel going into your eye. Used correctly they are effective at doing this.
03Panther said:
ProDarwin said:
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
In reply to mtn (Forum Supporter) :
I had to go to Lowes to repair a door yesterday. I was there about an hour. In that time I saw 3 people pull down their mask and rub their nose or mouth. 25% of them didn't have their nose covered. The best part, 90% of them rub their face as soon as the pull off the mask when they get to their car. Yet they think they are safe because everyone says a mask will save the world.
To me this is sort of like saying people are too hung up on wear "WEAR SAFETY GLASSES" because you saw a few guys misuse them on a job site you went to.
Used correctly, masks are effective.
I agree, you can't forget about the other parts like keeping your hands clean, not touching your face, and most importantly, social distancing.
Unfortunately, it is absolutely nothing like "wear safety glasses." A virus does not act anything like flying shrapnel. wearing safety glasses, even incorrectly, will still protect your eyes A LOT more than none at all. Face covering, even worn correctly, help a small amount.
Used correctly, masks are effective. I will amend that to " Used correctly, and in the correct situations, masks are somewhat effective."
I would say the mask is more like the guard on the grinder than the safety glasses.
It's to keep the debris in, not keep the debris out.
All that assumes proper usage.
03Panther said:
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
So for tip, do we just make it an even 600?
In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :
Masks do both in and out- there's good data out there for effectiveness for large (going out) and small (coming in) particles where the virus gets attached to when going out of the body and into the air. The best masks can do both wet absorption (for large stuff going out) and static absorption (small stuff going in).
I'm not sure how the word got out that they only protect in one direction.... But it's why they are such an effective addition to social distancing.
03Panther said:
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
Ironic detachment is a great coping mechanism for expressing my frustrations with pandemic discourse.
In reply to alfadriver (Forum Supporter) :
From everything I've read they are less likely to stop incoming than outgoing. This infographic has been making the rounds for months, including in this thread.

In reply to red_stapler :
Condescending and self righteous comments do nothing to farther the discussion. Thanks for you participation though.
03Panther said:
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
Imagine getting diabetes, high blood pressure and a big fat belly from eating all that fried food at Applebee's. If the virus doesn't get you, the bad diet will. And everything the bad diet gets you makes the virus worse.
We really are doomed.
In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :
But that still shows it helping in both directions. it's a system. Along with assuming that both you and the person you don't live with are both infected, since most people just don't know.
Not sure what is up with this board- but whenever you quote or reply to someone, you can't copy a hyperlink into it...
So here's the U of Chicago study about homemade mask materials and a discussion on why both large and small particle effectinvess is needed-
And the link to the publication-
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
In reply to alfadriver (Forum Supporter) :
From everything I've read they are less likely to stop incoming than outgoing. This infographic has been making the rounds for months, including in this thread.
That is an understandable conclusion from that graphic, but I think the important part, that is not made overly clear in the graphic, is that it appears to be more effective outgoing, because the outgoing in the graph is the SOURCE. Masking or filtering the source of particle is always going to be generally more effective then filtering the target(s). If nothing else reduction at the source, will reduce effect on every potential target, thus multiplying the effect.
Kind of like: better to put catalytic converters on cars, rather then cabin air filters (not a great analogy I know).
I think I explained that clearly?
Snowdoggie said:
03Panther said:
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
Imagine getting diabetes, high blood pressure and a big fat belly from eating all that fried food at Applebee's. If the virus doesn't get you, the bad diet will. And everything the bad diet gets you makes the virus worse.
We really are doomed.
I can't imagine eating at Applebees willingly. Why do you want a salty frozen dinner thrown in the microwave? Is it because they also have frozen food that they stick in a fryer?
Seriously, what is the appeal of Applebees/Chilis/TGIFridays? I've been to all of them at least once with groups. You honestly get better food at McDonalds and Wendys.
mtn (Forum Supporter) said:
Snowdoggie said:
03Panther said:
red_stapler said:
Imagine sacrificing 550 of your neighbors so you can eat at Applebee's or something.
This is a very good example of how NOT to talk to people!!!!
Imagine getting diabetes, high blood pressure and a big fat belly from eating all that fried food at Applebee's. If the virus doesn't get you, the bad diet will. And everything the bad diet gets you makes the virus worse.
We really are doomed.
I can't imagine eating at Applebees willingly. Why do you want a salty frozen dinner thrown in the microwave? Is it because they also have frozen food that they stick in a fryer?
Seriously, what is the appeal of Applebees/Chilis/TGIFridays? I've been to all of them at least once with groups. You honestly get better food at McDonalds and Wendys.
At least TGI Fridays has steaks with Jack Daniels sauce.
In reply to Snowdoggie :
Just why? You can go to a real steak house for the same money and get actual real fresh food cooked by people who aren't nodding off over the grill or sucking the nitrous out of the whip cream canisters in the walk in during their breaks.
mtn (Forum Supporter)
Seriously, what is the appeal of Applebees/Chilis/TGIFridays? I've been to all of them at least once with groups. You honestly get better food at McDonalds and Wendys.
mtn, I think we have differing views in a lot of places, but this is more than common ground. It is verging on theological.
RevRico said:
In reply to Snowdoggie :
Just why? You can go to a real steak house for the same money and get actual real fresh food cooked by people who aren't nodding off over the grill or sucking the nitrous out of the whip cream canisters in the walk in during their breaks.
There is nitrous in whipped cream cannisters?
Snowdoggie said:
RevRico said:
In reply to Snowdoggie :
Just why? You can go to a real steak house for the same money and get actual real fresh food cooked by people who aren't nodding off over the grill or sucking the nitrous out of the whip cream canisters in the walk in during their breaks.
There is nitrous in whipped cream cannisters?
Never heard of Whip-Its?
I may have done a few illicit substances in college.
Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) said:
In reply to mtn (Forum Supporter) :
They weren't wearing masks at home, nor do we use them in the office since we don't work on top of each other. A little common sense and a understanding of how viruses transmit will do more to stop the spread than blindly wearing masks. Masks don't work if you don't take the time to clean common surfaces and your hands on a regular basis.
If the powers that be had started out with a educational mind set rather than a do as you are told mind set, we probably wouldn't be where we are now. The general public would understand what was happening and how to stop it. But there was zero chance of that happening. Being condescending and bossy is much more fun.
The idea of presenting an educational mind set was doomed when this turned into a partisan issue. When that happened, any hope for coordinated and unified guidance was lost.
z31maniac said:
Snowdoggie said:
RevRico said:
In reply to Snowdoggie :
Just why? You can go to a real steak house for the same money and get actual real fresh food cooked by people who aren't nodding off over the grill or sucking the nitrous out of the whip cream canisters in the walk in during their breaks.
There is nitrous in whipped cream cannisters?
Never heard of Whip-Its?
I may have done a few illicit substances in college.
Still trying to figure out why guys in high school who weren't into model cars were stealing so much of the glue.
In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :
I would say the mask is more like the guard on the grinder than the safety glasses.
It's to keep the debris in, not keep the debris out.
I like that! Quite a good analogy.
In reply to aircooled :
Kind of like: better to put catalytic converters on cars, rather then cabin air filters (not a great analogy I know).
Actually, I like that better than most ov the analogies I hear!
In reply to Ian F (Forum Supporter) :
The idea of presenting an educational mind set was doomed when this turned into a partisan issue. When that happened, any hope for coordinated and unified guidance was lost.
Unfortunately, rationality was doomed as soon as people in large numbers tried to make sense!
In reply to Snowdoggie :
Imagine getting diabetes, high blood pressure and a big fat belly from eating all that fried food at Applebee's.
Sadly, I have all three, to some degree. But I blessed with a immune system that ROCKS! I also don't eat a Applebee's, or the others mentioned. Just life long meat & potato's diet! And lack of portion control!