You buy yourself a Z06

I haven't been around much lately. About a month ago I had a stroke. So far, it looks like there's no permanent damage. There's still some testing and assessment, but at this point, it's all good news.
I had been on the fence, but that was the push I needed to finally buy what I consider a dream car. I had been looking at C5's and Z28's, but said berkeley it. If you're going to do it, you may as well do it right and go all the way.
03 Z06 with 45k (27k miles), corsa exhaust, SLP intake, in the colours I wanted. I'm only just getting to know the car, but so far it's everything I've heard and more.
Sorry to hear about the stroke.
Congratulations on the dream car purchase. I know how good a standard C5 is, I can't wait to try out a Z06.
Glad you are alright!
Nice car, but don't forget the gold chains and unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. 
4/27/15 12:19 a.m.
In reply to Zomby Woof:
Good for you!!! Well, not for the stroke, but for getting through the stroke in mostly one piece and proceeding to grab life by the testes. 
One of my customers made it through a stroke that should have levelled him with no damage outside of a weaker (tennis) backhand. He was complaining about it to me and I said "think about how ludicrous a complaint that is considering you could be a mess right now!!!" He laughed.
Best of luck/best wishes on further recovery. That's some scary stuff to get through.
Wow finding one of those in the color you want was definitely a stroke of luck... Too soon? Seriously glad you're doing ok and glad you came back with the car of your dreams
Damn, sorry to hear about the stroke.
Enjoy the car.
4/27/15 7:28 a.m.
Awesome luck on the stroke causing no permanent damage. My sister had one when she was four and has some issues that will never go away. Any idea what caused it and how to stop it from happening again?
Sweet car.
glad to hear you're OK. my uncle died at 45 sitting in bed eating and watching TV from a stroke. they're scary things.
tuna55 wrote:
Awesome luck on the stroke causing no permanent damage. My sister had one when she was four and has some issues that will never go away. Any idea what caused it and how to stop it from happening again?
Sweet car.
Hopefully, this car does.
(I'm not joking- sometimes feeling good makes you better, even if it's precieved- especially mentally- a car like this can really do a job at activating parts of you mind. Which is always a good recovery idea)
My next drink is another morning coffee- but cheers to you, Zomby!
wow.. glad to hear from you again and glad to see that the stoke did nothing more than addle your brain to buy something like -that- 
Seriously.. enjoy the car and your new lease on life!
Sorry about the stroke. Take care of yourself. That car is a slight step up from a Geo/Suzuki I'll bet.
That's kind of a pale colored big glass of awesome lemonade there! Glad you were able to recover quickly without any permanent issues; enjoy the new ride!
Glad to hear you came through the stroke okay! Those can be scary bad things. I agree on the car; sometimes you just gotta go with something you've always wanted.
I'm really sorry to hear about your health issues. No permanent damage is very good news though so...
A lemonaide made with low miles Z-06 in silver is good recovery therapy!
I'm glad you're doing well. Take care of yourself. Are they letting you drive it yet? In NY they make you wait six months after a stroke.
This is proof positive, that when life hands you lemons, you paint that E36 M3 gold! 
Glad you are OK, and enjoy the hell out of that Z06. The performance bargain of the decade.
Yeah, glad you're okay, and glad you're back. Excellent choice on the Z06, too.
welcome home. enjoy every moment.
Glad you're doing well!
My (love/hate) relationship with the answer began shortly after I escaped the hospital following an incident involving my spleen and lots of internal bleeding.
bgkast wrote:
Glad you are alright!
Nice car, but don't forget the gold chains and unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt.
He needs a pompadour as well. There is a 70+ year old guy here in town that fits this description perfectly. However he also puts gold bling on the cars as well (corvette and H2)
Glad to hear you escaped the stroke in good shape.
Congrats on the Z06. It is on my short list.
I'm glad the stroke was minor. Congrats on the Z06! Lots of fun. Something GM did right.