When I need auto parts, I usually shop around online for a good price for the part I want. Today I bought an O2 sensor at the O'Reilly's down the street for about twice what it would have cost on Amazon. Why? The store was open. The parking lot was empty. The kid behind the counter doesn't make much, but needs every dollar he makes. If your local businesses are open and employing your local people, do what you can to keep it that way. Amazon is going to come through this just fine. Lots of small businesses will not.
Tom's post got me thinking of how spending a few dollars has a cascade effect ...and how not spending where and when it counts can also have a very negative cascade effect. I'll be buying some stuff in the online store and renewing my subscription early for sure.
What else? Me - I'm considering my local Church. With nobody coming in the doors, there probably isn't much money coming in, yet they continue to feed hungry people, care for homeless, and give comfort and hope to those suffering.