I don't think I have seen it since college--back when the movie was only 10 years old. So we pulled it up on Netflix tonight. Yeah, it's still trippy. Lotta gratuitous T&A, too.
This bit is still my favorite: http://youtu.be/lpb8QNdVjJA (And Dan O'Bannon, who wrote that part, also wrote Alien.)
It's been years since I saw any of that movie. I have a copy on VHS but no good way to watch it as my only VCR no longer rewinds. I may have to watch it once again anyway.
Man, I tried to watch "Heavy Metal 2000" the other day... I didn't make it far.
Nothing like the original.
It's been about 15 years. Great movie
Saw it in the theater, and thought "Wow, this is awesome...animation with boobies!". Of course, I was barely of driving age at the time.
Wasn't it tied up in some legal battle for years before being released on video?
Have it on DVD and yes O'Bannon's piece is my favorite too.
About 2 years ago. However, my Hagar CD came up in the LS400 Nakamichi deck last week. When that song came up, cranked up the base and volume. Sounded awesome.
5/3/14 7:18 a.m.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Never seen it
Fix that at your earliest available opportunity.
For me, it's probably been 25 years - but we watched it a LOT in college. I saw it the first time in the original theatrical release.
I seem to remember that...
It's your one way ticket to midnight.
Too long. It's aged better than my Art professor thought it would...
5/3/14 8:18 a.m.
Too many years ago. Thanks for the Netflix reminder!
2-3 years ago, also the first time I saw it. It came out a good few years before I was born.
If any of you have trouble getting the movie, PM me 
It's been awhile. I have it on dvd
I have it on tape but it was the crappy derated edit (bomber story was removed entirely, amongst other things) that aired on TNT in the early 90s, which I thought was kinda funny because the drug-snorting part of the alien stoners story was removed but a still from that scene was left in the credits.
I've only ever seen that, and my first experience with the movie, which was a really REALLY crappy copy of the full version. It was about 1992, and the tape must have been from the late 80s because it had aged like a fine milk. It was still freakin' awesome.
Big fan of Heavy Metal, even though it contains no actual heavy metal. I remember seeing it for the first time when I was 12 or 13 and thinking it was like an issue of Starlog had a baby with a Frank Frazetta painting. Yeah the boobs were cool, but that novelty quickly wore off and the general awesomeness sank in.
As a B-17 fan, I was mesmerized from the get go. Bootlegs were the only way to see the movie for years. The legal battle stemmed from all the different record labels fighting about royalties. I just bought the soundtrack on vinyl.
Awesome move! I haven't seen it in years. The John Candy-voiced segment where the nerd became the muscle bound hero was always my favorite, mainly because of the dialogue.
That and the last one... especially the crazy city siege to the tune of Dio-fronted Black Sabbath's Mob Rules. 
The Locknar!
5/3/14 8:52 p.m.
My wife and I still tell each other to "get away, you thtupid bitch, that'th MY lochnar!" When we both want the same thing.
I haven't seen it in 30 years.
I have almost zero recollection of it due to certain aspects of a misspent youth that were likely in effect at the time. I do remember that it had zero actual metal on the soundtrack but for any other recollection/revelations... I will need to go watch it again. I'm pretty sure it's going to suck.
Been a few months but saw Suicidal Tendancies last year, saw Gwar too
Duke wrote:
My wife and I *still* tell each other to "get away, you thtupid bitch, that'th MY lochnar!" When we both want the same thing.
Okay, that's hilarious.
I occasionally add "...and one moving violation" to a list of bad things. And of course, when I have a stupid/crazy idea... I got an angle.
Ya'll know that Heavy Metal was (is?) a comic book type thing and the movie was a movie version of the comic book type thing, and it wasn't about the music subset we call "Heavy Metal," right?
Don't bring logic and reason into a discussion on the internet..