Mine's easy, it's my autocross car, a 1981 C-Prepared Camaro.
Hal wrote: I'm not smart enough to figure out one of those fancy ID's. So I just use the one I have had since I was 3 weeks old.
I assumed a "2001 A Space Odyssey" reference.
Mine? I was born into the Understeer dynasty. Therefor, thy am in line to the throne of the Understeer Empire. I am the Duke, Duke of Understeer.
^^^Love that car!
Late to the party on this one.
I am a welder/mechanic in the brewing industry. My friend that I work with gets mad at me all the time because I am a big guy with what he calls "Popeye forearms" I break tools, fasteners, and lots of other stuff because I don't know my own strength. Hence the nickname "Johnnytorque".
"Elaine", as in the character from Seinfeld, was my rookie name in the Ohio State Marching Band. Pretty much all my friends in college called me some form of that "Elaine", "Lainey", "Lainford". Natural progression, you see.
Then, I needed a name for stuff, and the bus route I took from west campus to main campus was "North Loop Express". So somehow that merged into my head and became "Lainford Express". I use variations on that for everything now. "Lainford Express", "LainfordExpress", y'know, depending on the rules of the forum or whatever.
old tag from my days as on a 1:18 scale RC car forum, picked sort of as a parody of ProLine RC's tire naming convention of the era. they had a lot of tires that was more or less the intended use/terrain, followed by "Dawg". my uncanny ability to make a 4WD RC car spin out whenever I didn't want to () added the "Slyp" part, and the name stuck
I just like Repo Man. And Otto Maddox is a car reference. Most of the other characters are named after beers. Maybe I should have chosen one of those.
I was Iron Balls McGinty for a while. That is a character from the Jerk. The administrators found it offensive and changed it back to Otto Maddox.
Otto Maddox wrote: Iron Balls McGinty for a while. That is a character from the Jerk. The administrators found it offensive and changed it back to Otto Maddox.
Does not look too offensive to me.
Otto Maddox wrote:I just like Repo Man. And Otto Maddox is a car reference. Most of the other characters are named after beers. Maybe I should have chosen one of those. I was Iron Balls McGinty for a while. That is a character from the Jerk. The administrators found it offensive and changed it back to Otto Maddox.
Y'know, usually when someone pulls that kind of E36 M3, my first reaction is..I wanna punch his berkeleying lights out. But y'know something?..YOU'RE ALL RIGHT!!
Edit: Beer stuff. Oly(mpia), Bud(weiser), (Miller) Lite, Miller (High Life).
Oh, almost forgot..$20K for a Chevy Malibu.
I like vws. I have an 03 gti (red). I have had a couple of rabbits and an 84 gti. 03 is dd. I do have an 89 daytona es turbo waiting in the wings(not running).
It's my PSN handle, xbox live too when I get that going again. My actual username is BowtieBandit, which I've used on other forums for YEARS since I was always a chevy aficionado, but since I've broadened my palette, I went with something more genetic, yet still car related, that used my name.
It is my name plus the number twelve which has ni signifigance other than nobobdy else uses it so I can always use it as an online tag. I actually believe in using my real name on the internet because I keeps me honest I guess.
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