I've just started dabbling with Raspberry Pi(e)s and while I have all the basics, the project I envisage requires a couple of additional components (non-automotive sensors and the like).
I think we have a couple of people on here who play with electronics so I was wondering if there were any (online) shops you could recommend? Actually, make that electronics, Arduino and Raspberry Pi supplies as I was not impressed with how well packed Amazon Fulfillment shipped the Pis I ordered from them.
Mouser? I've never personally ordered from them but they seem to have everything.
are the first two that come to mind.
Mouser, Allied Electronics, digikey, occasionally Spark Fun.
Digikey has everything: www.digikey.com
I also order from Parts Express ( www.parts-express.com ), MCM Electronics ( www.mcmelectronics.com ), surplus from All Electronics ( www.allelectronics.com ).
6/25/14 3:26 p.m.
I've had good luck with Mouser, Digikey,and Allied Electronics, depending on the item.
I've also gone through smaller distributors for item like Lemo, ODU, and Amphenol connectors.
6/25/14 3:29 p.m.
digikey has worked well for me when I know specifically what I'm looking for. Usually takes hours of google-fu to get to that point.
Newark has a pretty comprehensive inventory and their pricing is pretty competitive.
Jameco, all electronics, and DelCity are my top 3.
Fobroader wrote:
Newark has a pretty comprehensive inventory and their pricing is pretty competitive.
I have a friend who works at www.newark.com in the Cleveland, OH area.
Digikey is pretty fast and has an excellent selection of components. For pre-built Arduino shields I look on ebay. I'll spend a few bucks more to get an identical item from an American vender then to give my money directly to China.
6/26/14 8:35 a.m.
Digikey and Jameco if I already know what I want/need, Spark Fun if I'm looking for "shiny new".
I do SparkFun and Adafruit. I'm a noob and both of these places are more geared to beginners/hobbyists.