Ideally I'd like to find a second-hand copy of Photoshop CS3 or CS4. Just tried installing our old copy of 'Shop 6.0 on our new 64-bit Win7 machine and got a no-no response. The old 6.0 disc is an upgrade but I found a v4.01 full copy which I always installed first and then upgraded to v6 - unfortunately 4.01 is 16-bit which doesn't fly with Win 64-bit installs.
So, time to finally upgrade I guess. Any cheaper but legit places to buy older software? Or anyone have helpful tips, links, unused copies laying around, etc.? 
check out photoshop user forums? or go get a student to buy it for you from the bookstore
Probably ebay, I got some software from there. Just make sure you're not accidentally buying a counterfeit one...
I don't know if I would trust a second hand source for an Adobe product they can have a fairly strict registration when it comes to number of installs the verification is used for. I know my copy of CS4 gripes if I try and install on more than 2 or 3 machines without doing the actual uninstall.
I would check with a friend that is in school and get them to order you a copy with the student discount.
Amazon actually. I've had good luck there in the past with getting new copies of "older" software, and it's the legit real-deal stuff as opposed to the gamble that is eBay.
You could try installing WindowsXP mode for your system (basically runs WindowsXP 32-bit in Virtual PC) You just need a valid Windows XP install media and license key.
I'm not certain that the current legal environment allows for second-hand software anymore.
You don't purchase the software, you purchase a license to use the software... and I'm not sure licenses are transferable per the EULA.
It's one of the reasons I stick to F/OSS where I can.
I've got a copy of 6.0 you can have, I can linky a torrent to it for you... Its a hacked copy, works great, just don't try to download updates.
This is why I use GIMP...
+1 for GIMP
Eddie, if you're coming off Photoshop 6, GIMP might be a realistic and free option for you, unless you're using some crazy plugin.
there's even a version now to help people transition to GIMP, GIMPShop.