Opti said:
In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :
I stand by what I said. Hint: access to American markets isn't tangible.
If China attempts to blockade Taiwan to force them into using the Yuan only, a missile from an F-35 reopening access to American markets blowing up a boat suddenly becomes a VERY tangible thing. That's why they're partially tangible, and the part of the purpose of the modern Navy; preventing wars as economic policy by other means, allowing everyone to play in the sandbox by keeping them in it 
It's is backed by the American market, but the importance is decreasing.
The EU is pretty cool
But they're realistically, the only nation that can replace the American largesse, if only in access to liquid cash.
It's also backed by the American military, we sure have removed a bunch of leaders that wanted to get away from the American dollar as the reserve currency. I wonder if that means anything? And its backed by petroleum traditionally only being traded in dollars. BRICS is trying to stop this and is actively doing it.
About all that's left is to enforce our will on everyone with our military
BRICS? Man, BRICS isn't a thing. It'll NEVER be a thing- it's a term OUR economists came up with to describe up and coming economies in ~2012 that was coopted by anti-american voices, since whom:
Brazil just had an attempted coup from a right wing populist, who's government is likely gonna do what the earlier presidencies were doing since the 90s and trying to make their own path out of America's shadow- but unfortunately has to drag much of the rest of South America out as well somehow, and is still dealing with serious systemic poverty.
Russia. Is Russia.
India is actively in a state of cold war with China, who's rapid advancement is also held back by growing wealth disparity, a rapidly democratizing society, and terrible public health bad enough in some areas to seriously damage lifespans. Except they're also an American ally who are rapidly acting to contain...
China, whom is widely known to be lying about quite a lot economically but nobody truly knows to what degree, now prevented from serious chip manufacturing thanks to modern EU deals.
South Africa is tearing itself apart. Genuinely a question if they'll be a nation in 10 years.