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Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 4:08 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

     As far as California,  just try to buy something on or near the beach in California. 

Thanks, I'll give it a try. This place looks nice...

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/20/23 4:35 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

Ranting on and on and on about it on a car forum where we aren't supposed to discuss political issues is what is crazy. That and the fact that you libertarians can pack social media sites with your talking points and still not elect more than one or two candidates to congress. That should tell you that you haven't convinced the majority of people in this country that you are right.

Yeah, yeah. There are a million conspiracy theories out there and some of them involve the Easter Bunny and Little Green Men from Alpha Centauri infiltrating the Fed, but until you convince the majority and start winning elections, you are just that Crazy Uncle ranting at the wind.


Trying to steer this thread away from a lock. It appears that you are the one injecting politics- perhaps in an effort to get shut it down? I'm sorry that you don't appreciate the conversation. But if you don't like it, you don't need to participate. If you don't agree, you are more than welcome to share your own opinions- within bounds. While I would absolutely love to debate you on what you wrote, I won't, because it would abuse the leeway out generous hosts have already given us. 

I will point out that taxes are not a political subject. While they do tend to get politicized, pretty much everyone agrees on the need for taxes and services. How much of each is up for debate, but most people are really not that far apart, and most people agree that there should be accountability for how their taxes are spent. If you can't see that, then just maybe you are the crazy uncle. 

Taxes are not a political subject? Oh please. Taxes are THE political subject. Who pays for government. Who doesn't pay. Who gets benefits. Are there benefits? Who gets tax abatements, who doesn't, and to do what? All of this is the basis of politics and endless argument. Politicians make all the decisions on taxes.

Most people agree there should be accountability? What a vague statement. Start adding details and you start up new arguments. How much accountability. What kind? To whom? Who gets to investigate. Who gets to see the report. It's easy to make vague, sweeping statements that most people would agree with. Once you get into the details, you find the disagreements. Who is accountable if somebody gets something they aren't entitled to? Who decides what anybody is entitled to? That's political.

Sometimes I think you are just looking for somebody to argue with. You are this guy...

If they lock this thread, don't blame me. Most of these threads get locked eventually whether I participate in them or not. It's not my job to decide, nor yours. But if it quacks like a duck...

Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 5:28 p.m.

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

Some call it arguing, some call it educating. I enjoy doing both. It's more enjoyable when the person that you are arguing with can state their position with substance. Facts, not feelings. I'll state again, people are much more united in their opinions on taxes and services than you portray. For the most part, it's the edges that get politicized, often disproportionately. You seem to be focused on the extreme edges. Show me I'm wrong. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/20/23 5:37 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

Some call it arguing, some call it educating. I enjoy doing both. It's more enjoyable when the p

I can't think of a single thing you mentioned in this thread that hasn't been repeated hundreds of times on social media, on radio talk shows and by crazy guys with signs chasing you down the street.

Oh well. Idiocracy abides.

We are doomed.


Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 7:17 p.m.

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

I can't think of a single thing you mentioned in this thread that hasn't been repeated hundreds of times on social media, on radio talk shows and by crazy guys with signs chasing you down the street.

Oh well. Idiocracy abides.

We are doomed.

Well I sure hope I'm not breaking any new ground here. These should be pretty simple concepts to explain, but apparently I'm failing. What specifically do you find so "crazy" about being concerned with how much I pay in taxes and how they are spent? It's considered prudent for me to shop around for and research tires for my car to get the best deal. But I question where over a third of my life's work goes, and now I'm crazy? Or an idiot? Both? Do you care to elaborate? I'll ask you a simple question...

How much of a person's physical and intellectual labor should be confiscated by the government? Pretend that I'm an idiot and you need to explain it to me, because you have said a whole lot of nothing so far. 



red_stapler SuperDork
3/20/23 7:40 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

 I question where over a third of my life's work goes,

You should really consider the labor theory of value when considering what portion of your life's work goes to taxes. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/20/23 7:52 p.m.

You are setting up an argument you have practiced before. One you have heard from somebody else for somebody else's benefit. You define the terms. You set the parameters. You set the trap. You ignore what I am saying and move on to the points you want to make.

Then you invite me to fall into your trap.

I won't.

I don't trust you or your kind. You are kind of scary.

I have already read Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley. I have listened to your media. I have heard your kind of anger. I have seen the result. I could probably make your argument as well as you can. I have read all the books. But I don't believe in your gods. I am on a different track.

I have seen some very nasty stuff in the last few years. I just try to avoid the evil I see around me. I am not an evangelist. I don't want to convince anybody else of anything. I take a defensive position. My only goal now is to survive.

I am beginning to believe that our country may not even be here in 20 years. Or if it is, we won't be anything like we were in my Father's generation. We are not now what we used to be in the last century. We aren't even close. It is a scary world out there. I just want to survive a few more years with those who I am close to. That's it. At 64 I am almost done. The buzzards are circling, wanting to buy my house and flip it, wanting grab my cars and what money I have left, while giving me a hard shove into the grave. I am going to fight them for as long as I can, but in the end, I know I won't live forever. And the world I am leaving is a big mess that I did not create.

Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 7:58 p.m.

In reply to red_stapler :

But I don't need anyone to tell me the value of my labor- I've reached an agreement with my employer. And the value of my 1/3 is lower than some people but higher than other's. Ignoring the fact that none of us are likely 1/3 since that is an average. Or did I misunderstand the comment? I'm familiar with the labor theory of value, but not sure how to relate it to taxes. 

Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 9:06 p.m.

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

You are setting up an argument you have practiced before. One you have heard from somebody else for somebody else's benefit. You define the terms. You set the parameters. You set the trap. You ignore what I am saying and move on to the points you want to make.

But you haven't said anything. You have pointed fingers vaguely, and mislabeled people, but you really haven't contributed anything in the last few pages. I looked- you had a good point about consumption tax a few pages back, that was your last factual post in my opinion. 

Then you invite me to fall into your trap.

I can see how facts and reason would appear as a trap to an opinion formed from emotion. It kind of is. But it's not a trap to catch you, it's a trap to get you to consider what you appear to reject without consideration. 

I won't.

I don't trust you or your kind. You are kind of scary.

I didn't know I had a kind, let alone a scary kind. Do I get my own villainous theme music? I take pride in that I question everything. While I frequently disagree with those with different views, I really challenge those with stimilar views that play fast and loose with the facts. 

I have already read Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley. I have listened to your media. I have heard your kind of anger. I have seen the result. I could probably make your argument as well as you can. I have read all the books. But I don't believe in your gods. I am on a different track.

Wow, it's like you are in my mind. Except for, like, everything. I'm aware of Rand and Buckley. Never read them. Didn't see the movie. I've listened to various pundits from time to time, from across the spectrum. I see ALL of them for who they are, they are selling a product. I understand that even the most fair are still only selling one side. But there is good info that can only be be learned by taking in diverse sources, and verifying/weighing accordingly. None are as good as some would have you believe, none are as bad. I actually listened to a couple just because of how bad they are portrayed as talking points. My first though was- I don't think the people that bash these personalities ever actually listened to them. Not my cup of tea, but simply people arguing their side. No hate mongering. I'm not angry. I actually get a bit of a chuckle and laugh. I'll  be fine, my methods seem to work pretty well for me. If you want to do it your way- good luck to you. You can keep beating your head against the wall, but hey, your head, your wall. What gods? I'm agnostic- I think. Raised Catholic, but wasn't for me. I see the benefits, but I also see the drawbacks. I'm happy for people if it works for them. But as long as you are a good moral person, I don't care what your religion is or isn't. 

I have seen some very nasty stuff in the last few years. I just try to avoid the evil I see around me. I am not an evangelist. I don't want to convince anybody else of anything. I take a defensive position. My only goal now is to survive.

Who hasn't, but it's all relative. It doesn't help if you define people who disagree with you as evil or scary. Surviving is good, but there are many ways to survive. You can do for yourself, or you can expect others to do it for you. Reality is a bit of both, and most people are in the middle of that scale. I worry that more people at trending to relying on others. 


I am beginning to believe that our country may not even be here in 20 years. Or if it is, we won't be anything like we were in my Father's generation. We are not now what we used to be in the last century. We aren't even close. It is a scary world out there. I just want to survive a few more years with those who I am close to. That's it. At 64 I am almost done. The buzzards are circling, wanting to buy my house and flip it, wanting grab my cars and what money I have left, while giving me a hard shove into my grave. I am going to fight them for as long as I can, but in the end, I know I won't live forever. And the world I am leaving is a big mess that I did not create.

You are old enough to know better. It's all cyclical. Whichever your preference, the pendulum swings back and forth. The swings do seem a bit wider. But it swings back. The swing is a good thing. It keeps us all in our place. That we have a country that allows for the swing is telling. Look at those that don't. Our leadership has changed drastically over the last 20 years. Yet most people's day to day lives have been relatively unchanged. Our own decisions have a much greater impact on our lives than outside forces, no matter what the politicians and media try to tell you. It might take 64 years to learn that, but it's never too late. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/20/23 9:29 p.m.

In reply to Boost_Crazy :

You are insulting and condescending, then you admit you are not very well read in the subject of you are arguing about. 

Strange, and kind of scary. 

I need to stay out of these threads.

Boost_Crazy Dork
3/20/23 10:32 p.m.

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

I'm sorry reality doesn't fit your preconceived notions. You have a fantasy in your head that you posted, with no basis in the real world. "Not well read on the subject?" So you want to label me for disagreeing with you, and now you are upset that I don't follow what you think is the Libertarian playbook? (I'm not Libertarian by the way. While I agree with much of their beliefs in theory, I'm a realist that understands things work differently in practice.) I apologize if I don't live up to your expectations. Do I still get my theme music? 

Boo, I'm very scary! I just might search for extra tax deductions! I'm gonna keep 67% this year! Muhahahahah! 

Seriously, you need to get out more. Meet some people who don't just parrot back what you want to hear. All that was missing from your fantasy was me in a red hat hunting polar bears out the window of my coal rolling 4x4. 

No Time
No Time UltraDork
3/21/23 7:11 a.m.

I'm not trying to decipher the last few pages, but something to consider before continuing down this path:

porschenut HalfDork
3/21/23 7:45 a.m.

This thread has no positive effect on forum users, locking it would be a good idea. I keep trying to ignore it but like a traffic accident or roadkill the urge to look is huge.  We all have better things to do, like clean oil spots on the driveway.

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/21/23 8:02 a.m.

In reply to porschenut :


frenchyd MegaDork
3/21/23 8:41 a.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

You are setting up an argument you have practiced before. One you have heard from somebody else for somebody else's benefit. You define the terms. You set the parameters. You set the trap. You ignore what I am saying and move on to the points you want to make.

But you haven't said anything. You have pointed fingers vaguely, and mislabeled people, but you really haven't contributed anything in the last few pages. I looked- you had a good point about consumption tax a few pages back, that was your last factual post in my opinion. 

Then you invite me to fall into your trap.

I can see how facts and reason would appear as a trap to an opinion formed from emotion. It kind of is. But it's not a trap to catch you, it's a trap to get you to consider what you appear to reject without consideration. 

I won't.

I don't trust you or your kind. You are kind of scary.

I didn't know I had a kind, let alone a scary kind. Do I get my own villainous theme music? I take pride in that I question everything. While I frequently disagree with those with different views, I really challenge those with stimilar views that play fast and loose with the facts. 

I have already read Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley. I have listened to your media. I have heard your kind of anger. I have seen the result. I could probably make your argument as well as you can. I have read all the books. But I don't believe in your gods. I am on a different track.

Wow, it's like you are in my mind. Except for, like, everything. I'm aware of Rand and Buckley. Never read them. Didn't see the movie. I've listened to various pundits from time to time, from across the spectrum. I see ALL of them for who they are, they are selling a product. I understand that even the most fair are still only selling one side. But there is good info that can only be be learned by taking in diverse sources, and verifying/weighing accordingly. None are as good as some would have you believe, none are as bad. I actually listened to a couple just because of how bad they are portrayed as talking points. My first though was- I don't think the people that bash these personalities ever actually listened to them. Not my cup of tea, but simply people arguing their side. No hate mongering. I'm not angry. I actually get a bit of a chuckle and laugh. I'll  be fine, my methods seem to work pretty well for me. If you want to do it your way- good luck to you. You can keep beating your head against the wall, but hey, your head, your wall. What gods? I'm agnostic- I think. Raised Catholic, but wasn't for me. I see the benefits, but I also see the drawbacks. I'm happy for people if it works for them. But as long as you are a good moral person, I don't care what your religion is or isn't. 

I have seen some very nasty stuff in the last few years. I just try to avoid the evil I see around me. I am not an evangelist. I don't want to convince anybody else of anything. I take a defensive position. My only goal now is to survive.

Who hasn't, but it's all relative. It doesn't help if you define people who disagree with you as evil or scary. Surviving is good, but there are many ways to survive. You can do for yourself, or you can expect others to do it for you. Reality is a bit of both, and most people are in the middle of that scale. I worry that more people at trending to relying on others. 


I am beginning to believe that our country may not even be here in 20 years. Or if it is, we won't be anything like we were in my Father's generation. We are not now what we used to be in the last century. We aren't even close. It is a scary world out there. I just want to survive a few more years with those who I am close to. That's it. At 64 I am almost done. The buzzards are circling, wanting to buy my house and flip it, wanting grab my cars and what money I have left, while giving me a hard shove into my grave. I am going to fight them for as long as I can, but in the end, I know I won't live forever. And the world I am leaving is a big mess that I did not create.

You are old enough to know better. It's all cyclical. Whichever your preference, the pendulum swings back and forth. The swings do seem a bit wider. But it swings back. The swing is a good thing. It keeps us all in our place. That we have a country that allows for the swing is telling. Look at those that don't. Our leadership has changed drastically over the last 20 years. Yet most people's day to day lives have been relatively unchanged. Our own decisions have a much greater impact on our lives than outside forces, no matter what the politicians and media try to tell you. It might take 64 years to learn that, but it's never too late. 

Well said.  It doesn't take a genius to recognize that 50% of the country votes for party A and 50% votes for party B.  
So swings are a natural part of being here in America.  
     Few people are really that involved in the day to day of party A or B.  Even those who donate the hundreds  of millions of dollars it takes to get elected.   
  Frankly they don't donate for the common issues like religion, guns, Border security, etc. but rather donate to get a benefit such as a government contract or tax consideration etc. 

3/21/23 10:23 a.m.

It might be time to stop it, I'm not sure to be honest. My rule with any discussion that becomes political is to only take it as seriously as the other person- if I'm the only one pointing links and details to back up claims and arguments, I'm just not gonna take it very seriously anymore.  Hell I'm still hoping someone posts books or information about pound sterling, I asked before.

In reply to Frenchyd :

It's also that this nation is super reactionary. 

Opti said:

In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :

You might want to consider looking up the word "tangible." When referring to currency and its backing people are normally talking about precious metals. Im not saying access to markets and force isnt valuable. 

So, you're saying it's both? 'Cause that's honestly the point that I'm making, that it's kind of a fluid thing depending on scenario.

Im not saying historically fiat currencies fail. Im saying historically all currencies fail. My feelings on fiat currency is it is more prone to manipulation, but it does have some benefits if you can prevent manipulation. If you disagree thats fine. The founding fathers got brought up because largely if not unanimously they agreed with me.

Aight cool, but what's the point? Like eventually America will have to step back from some other nation to take the reigns as world power- every dog's gonna have his day- and as we've already detailed, if you go to a fixed currency you'll have an economy with VERY restricted growth (due to your now fixed supply of money) and still be capable of having the same failures. 

Appleseed MegaDork
3/21/23 10:42 a.m.
porschenut said:

This thread has no positive effect on forum users, locking it would be a good idea. I keep trying to ignore it but like a traffic accident or roadkill the urge to look is huge.  We all have better things to do, like clean oil spots on the driveway.

Same boat. It's time for us to:

F-dis thread.

RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
3/21/23 11:24 a.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

All that was missing from your fantasy was me in a red hat hunting polar bears out the window of my coal rolling 4x4. 

You say that like it's a bad thing cheeky

Due to flight delays, I got into GSP airport in South Carolina last Monday at 2:00 AM and all the car rental agencies close at 11:00 PM.  I found a night auditor that had one vehicle that hadn't been claimed and the next thing I knew, I was rocking a sweet fire engine red Dodge 4X4 with "Muhahaha" black out rims, grill, etc. like this: 

New 2022 RAM 1500 Classic Warlock 4WD Standard Pickup Trucks in Blair  #C221115 | Woodhouse Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM

No polar bears in SC but I was able to berk up the spotted owl population real good cheeky

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/21/23 11:37 a.m.

In reply to RX Reven' :

I'm not sure what hunting polar bears has to do with anything, but that looks like a cool truck for deer hunting or boat towing.

I think you are going to want a helicopter for hunting polar bears. Or one of these.


RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
3/21/23 11:59 a.m.

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

I don't know how I got so lucky as to get the one vehicle that was available...a 737-700 has 126 seats...assume about 1/2 of the passengers are away from home (63 people)...assume about half intended to rent a car (~32 people)...assume about half had no checked bag so they should have beaten me to that one available car (16 people).

My only guess is that everyone just gave up without trying and called an Uber.

My plan was to wait until the rental agencies opened at 7:00 (five hours) to avoid Ubering to the hotel, then work, than back to the airport (~85 miles total) and start my work day after lunch.

Hive, I apologize for going waaay off topic but I think banter > a bunch of members getting into a skirmish.

ProDarwin MegaDork
3/21/23 12:07 p.m.
porschenut said:

This thread has no positive effect on forum users, locking it would be a good idea. I keep trying to ignore it but like a traffic accident or roadkill the urge to look is huge.  We all have better things to do, like clean oil spots on the driveway.

These posts are amusing in the same way that Replying-all to a giant email chain with "Please don't reply all" is.


yupididit UltimaDork
3/21/23 12:09 p.m.

Seriously, who wants to buy my XJR? Im tired. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
3/21/23 12:22 p.m.
RX Reven' said:

In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :

I don't know how I got so lucky as to get the one vehicle that was available...a 737-700 has 126 seats...assume about 1/2 of the passengers are away from home (63 people)...assume about half intended to rent a car (~32 people)...assume about half had no checked bag so they should have beaten me to that one available car (16 people).

My only guess is that everyone just gave up without trying and called an Uber.

My plan was to wait until the rental agencies opened at 7:00 (five hours) to avoid Ubering to the hotel, then work, than back to the airport (~85 miles total) and start my work day after lunch.

Hive, I apologize for going waaay off topic but I think banter > a bunch of members getting into a skirmish.

Last month I rented a pickup from U-Haul and ended up with a plain vanilla white Silverado.

You did better.

Opti SuperDork
3/21/23 12:25 p.m.

In reply to GIRTHQUAKE :

It might be time to stop it, I'm not sure to be honest. My rule with any discussion that becomes political is to only take it as seriously as the other person- if I'm the only one pointing links and details to back up claims and arguments, I'm just not gonna take it very seriously anymore.  Hell I'm still hoping someone posts books or information about pound sterling, I asked before.

 I didnt know it was my job to educate someone, on historical fact, that wants to participate in a debate when they are using the tool to post here that allows them access to the summation of human knowledge.

So, you're saying it's both? 'Cause that's honestly the point that I'm making, that it's kind of a fluid thing depending on scenario.

No. Im not saying its both, thats why I recommended you look up tangible. Tangible: perceptible by touch. Valuable and tangible are not the same thing. A backing of force, acces to markets, and the petrodollar, are indeed valuable, especially in the past. Problem is their value is decreasing, in the specific case of the US Dollar. Im not saying its gone, im saying it diminishing, and a bunch of countries that have a good bit of geopolitical leverage in these areas have joined forces to undermine them.

Aight cool, but what's the point? Like eventually America will have to step back from some other nation to take the reigns as world power- every dog's gonna have his day- and as we've already detailed, if you go to a fixed currency you'll have an economy with VERY restricted growth (due to your now fixed supply of money) and still be capable of having the same failures.

Im not advocating for a fixed currency, it has it benefits and its problems, same as fiat currency. I think one of the major flaws of a fiat currency, which we havent figured out how to fix (or we have and havent implemented it), is manipulation of the currency. Youve got what im saying, America or specifically the dollar will be replaced. Now people can debate on when it will happen, how close we are, or what can be done to maintain its dominance, but the arguments that I hear routinely of it cant happen because it would cause a recession, its the largest currency, we are the largest market, etc have played out in history. To your point that its safe because its the largest currency, that has happened in literally the last century (Sterling). You know what else happens before many currency failures, to tie it back to the original subject, massive inflation. People have too narrow a view of history and whats happening.

Im not saying the dollar is going to fail tomorrow, and I think we might even have time to turn it around and maintain its dominance (which is great for us), but sticking our head in the ground and saying its impossible to be replaced while major powers are working against it and we are implementing policies that undermine it is a recipe to expedite it.

frenchyd MegaDork
3/21/23 12:41 p.m.

In reply to Opti :

I think what the Fed did regarding making Dollars  available to certain major banks like Bank of Japan etc.  is a big step forward to continued dominance of the Dollar.   
      There is a serious advantage to weakening the dollar.   It makes American products more affordable globally.   Undermines China's moves.  
     Reduces or could even eliminate the trade deficit.   Would bring home some jobs.  Weakens China's exports. Strengthens our Allies.  

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